• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. Jexnell

    Toni and Nemo my albino Oscar's

    In this thread I am going to be posting updates on the development of my pair of Oscars. So I started a community tank of cichlid juveniles. My 14 year old son is the one that actually picked Toni and named it. This is the first pic i got of her. She was about 1.5in long. And as all Oscars do...
  2. Jexnell

    Snuggle time in the Oscar tank

    As per the title The one in ftont is an albino ruby male in back albino tiger female
  3. M

    Oscars, Cycling, and Cloudy Water

    Hi there! I set up a new 255L (~67 gallon) tank for my adult oscar about three months ago as I was having unrelated issues with his old one. As it's virtually impossible to acquire clear ammonia where I live, I decided to do a fish-in cycle with six tiger barbs and some filter media from an...
  4. Aquatank

    Oscar "Species SpotLight"

    Do you guys love Oscar! I love them so you will love them as well So here is the thread on how to properly care for your loved ones Overview Oscar fish belongs to cichlid family and are known by scientific name Astronotus ocellatus. They thrive best in their natural habitat which is located...
  5. A

    RTG , Oscars, Parrots Transportation !

    Hi fellow monster keepers ! My work calls for shifting from my present location (Mysore) to Bangalore, India ! It's roughly 150km drive (3Hrs travelling duration max!) . I currently own RTG, a pair of Copper Oscars, 4 pairs of Blood parrots, 2 butterfly Kois. Considering the Bagging time and...
  6. reapertheoscar

    Oscars breed unintentionally

    Okay let me give you a background, I bought 2 albino oscars before Christmas, I got 2 for the price of one, there about 8 to 10 inches long, I noticed they moved gravel and they were vibrating there tails so I thought they were going to breed but I've never had this happen before so it was a...
  7. Z

    I need some info on the captivity for a future tank

    I am thinking of building my dad a tank between 300g-500g for his next birthday. I want to add 1 or 2 bichirs though debating on the species I hear they grow about a ft less in captivity though I am worried about how wide I could build the tank/length, as wide as I could build would have to be...
  8. Alligator head

    Arowana tank mates!?

    Hey guys! I was wondering can I keep my RTG with few SA nd CA cichlids. I have a 8" RTG I'm thinking to add two 4" oscars, one 3" G Gourami, one 3" Severum, one 2" jaguar, one 2" red devil, one 2" Texas and one 3" green terror! My arowana is currently with a bichir senegalus bichir and it keeps...
  9. Vibsee

    6 Adult Oscars in a 100 Gallon Tank

    I currently have 6 adult Oscars in a 100 gallon tank. They have been there for about 5 months now. I have been performing a 30% water change everyday with about 60% on weekends. They were size 7 - 7.5 when I got them.. Now they are about 9-10 inches each. I intend to keep them in the tank for...
  10. S

    New oscar tank

    Hi looking for some advice on keeping two Oscar's with minimal aggression. I was going to get one but would like to get both lutino and normal tiger.
  11. Aqua Nut

    Growing Monster Oscars | Monster Fish Keeping 101 | How to Care for Oscar Cichlids

    Today we discuss how to grow huge, monster Oscars. They are a South American Cichlid that is often abused. We will give you guidance, tips and advice from knowledgeable dedicated Oscar cichlid keepers on how to have your Oscar thrive. We go over appropriate and minimum tank size for an Oscar...
  12. M

    Freshwater Algae Scrubber on 600L Oscar tank

    Approximately 9 months ago I implemented a DIY algae scrubber in my 600L Oscar tank in a bid to reduce the necessity for water changes and decrease my nitrate levels. The tank had been established for over a year at this stage and I was having trouble keeping the nitrates under control. It was...
  13. cockroach

    310 gal Stock Planning

    After being out of fish keeping for a little over two years I am finally back. I will be redoing this tank after I had to take it down after a little more than a year. Work was just too consuming. The tank is 210cm x 88cm x 67cm. Now I have time again and want to set it up with driftwood and...
  14. Terta

    Baby Oscars Keep Dying

    So I'm on my 3 pair of baby Oscars that have passed way When I find them they die the same night and there mouths are wide open like they gasped for last breathe They eat for first 2-3 days I have them and then not after that They only live 4-5 days I have absolutely no idea why Oscars die...
  15. U

    How many of you are British MFKers.

    Hello I just signed up after long time lurking and thought I'd take the plunge and join. I am obviously from UK and just wondered how many of the others are. I have a juwel Rio400 with 2 oscars in there around the 10-11 inch mark and 6 clowns from 3-5 inch. I'll post a picture of them soon. So...
  16. redfish1

    How to grow Oscars fast?

    I have brought 4 Tiger Oscars from a local fish store.I keep them in a 300 Gallons tank with 2 Cat fishes,1 Giant Gourami and 1 Snakehead fish.I want to grow my Oscars upto maximum size they grow and I want MFK's help to grow them fast and maximum.
  17. P

    Oscar vs. African Cichlids

    I just bought a 125 gallon fish tank with the intent of getting 3-4 Oscars, but my wife wants me to put more fish in the tank. I have heard that African Cichlids are generally smaller than Oscars. If this is true, about how many African Cichlidscan I put in a 125 gallon tank? Also, are they as...
  18. P

    Oscars vs. African Cichlids

    I just bought a 125 gallon fish tank with the intent of getting 3-4 Oscars, but my wife wants me to put more fish in the tank. I have heard that African Cichlids are generally smaller than Oscars. If this is true, about how many African Cichlids can I put in a 125 gallon tank? Also, are they...
  19. P

    Oscars vs. African Cichlids

    I just bought a 125 gallon fish tank with the intent of getting 3-4 Oscars, but my wife wants me to put more fish in the tank. I have heard that African Cichlids are generally smaller than Oscars. If this is true, about how many African Cichlids can I put in a 125 gallon tank? Also, are they...