
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. J

    stressed baby fish?

    hi so i’ve had these three arapiama about a week and a half and they’ve only been staying in that same corner just swimming against the shorter end of the tank i tried adding cover and plants and put some ghost shrimp for them to hunt but they just stay in that corner is that normal behavior for...
  2. J


    hi so i just got some new fish i’ve owned all of these same types in the past but never as baby’s so im not quite sure what to start feeding them, how much how often etc… i have 2 atlantic and 2 indo tarpon, 3 arowana, 3 arapima, 2 barramundi, 2 giant carp, and 5 pacu would i need to feed them...
  3. D

    Peacock bass for sale

    10”-12” peacock bass for sale, pick up lake grove ny asking $120 each or $600 for all 8 text or call me 5167650189.
  4. mybirthdateisfake

    What do I do with my Pacu?

    My family's got a 400gal pond with pacu (given to us from a friend, because they're obviously massive.) There used to be at least 15 in there but many have died, and I speculate there are only 7-6 left. The largest ones are only a foot long, but I am aware at how large they grow. Soon, I will...
  5. S

    FREE Pacu, RTC, RTCxTSN Rehoming

    Have a pacu, red tail catfish, rtc x tsn hybrid that need rehoming. They are all free just need to make sure that they go to a good home. Both catfish are around 6-8 inches and the pacu is approximately 10 inches. Local pickup only
  6. TheTerminutter

    Fish from orinoco river like it cold???

    I searched up the temperature of the orinoco river, and according to Brittanica the orinoco can get up to 95 at the hottest, but the average temperature is 64-69 most of the time. But most websites tell me to keep fish from the orinoco at around the mid 70s. Which temperatures do myleus and...
  7. F

    For Sale Spotted Silver Dollars 4"-5" - five fish group

    Hey MFK, I have five healthy SD for sale. There are two different kinds, three are Metynnis Maculatus and two are Lippincottianus I'd prefer to sell them as a group, $75.00
  8. B

    For Sale Orino bass XL

    Shutting down one of my tanks need to rehome my bass and pacu, will not sell separately this is a package deal only because I need them gone. price is 75$ for both obo The azuls shown in the pictures are no longer available.
  9. B

    For Sale Sell all my fish, Bass, and pacu

    Orino bass 18 plus he’s huge, slight scaring on face it’s (nothing contagious) I’ve had him over a year and a half and he’s been like that since I got him. X2 Azul Bass, I’ve I’m not mistaken one is a male and one is female. 13-14 inches and healthy 1 black Pacu 11 inches. 1 albino Pacu 6-7...
  10. Mofo fish

    How to treat ammonia poisoning

    So I have a pacu in a 125 with a red tail and 2 channel cats. One of my canister filters began cycling much weaker for some reason and now the water has a brownish tint.I didn’t notice it because that tank has a blue light so I could not tell the water was fouling. I had a red devil and some red...
  11. B

    For Sale Bass for sale or trade

    2 azuls both 12+ 1 Huge orino 2 pacu 1 albino 1 black looking to trade or just sell all of them
  12. Jjiang00

    For Sale 9-10" Albino Pacus

    Hi, I have 2 albino pacu that I must part with. They are absolutely stunning and very passive - have kept tiny 2 inch datnoids as well as geophagus and the datnoids bully the much larger pacus haha. Great looking fish that cause no problems. They do not mess with my live plants, and do not spook...
  13. A

    For Sale 18'' Albino Pacu

    Hello MFK - This is my first post here. I have an 18'' Albino Pacu that is a great eater. I can send you video of him eating if needed. Currently eating Hikari Massivore Delite and feeder fish. Serious buyer only please.
  14. U

    FREE Would like to rehome (qty 2) Black Pacu & (qty 1) Red Belly Pacu (free)

    Hi, All 3 Pacu are about 17"-18" (healthy and social) Text/call: 714-606-4363
  15. Oscar Mike

    Injury or illness?

    Hello can somebody please tell me if this is an injury or illness? I purchased this 4" flagtail a few weeks ago and noticed a mark on his face that looked like a damaged scale. He was kept with two other flagtails and some small cichlids at a reputable store so I thought it was from liplocking...
  16. B

    For Sale trying to help a neighbor rehome tanks and a pacu

    I am a tropical fish hobbyist writing from Los Angeles area trying to help a neighbor in a situation who needs to rehome his aquariums. I am reaching out here in part because of the pacu. He has two large tanks (approx 240g & approx 300g), a pacu about 18", two generic plecos and a variety of...
  17. mattybecks

    Another Pacu growth rate question

    Hello guys, I have just managed to rehome my pair of Buttikoferi, and so are just left with my 7 x geos Tapajos in my 180cm x 60cm x 60cm. I belong to a couple of fish groups here, and long story short, I have landed up rescuing and temporarily housing two red belly pacu from some pretty...
  18. Ricardo quezada


    I bought a Asian redtail catfish (black body with redtail) from my LFS and didn’t notice it untit two month later that it has no eyes. I don’t know if it’s a miss identification by the store. I call them and asked if this is normal and they said no that all of their red tails have eyes and this...
  19. T


    Probably belongs in the dead fish thread but it is a video so i thought i'd share it here... :(
  20. spcichlids

    Big Tanks, Big Fish, and Big Rich - Touring Ohio Fish Rescue

    If you guys don't know about Big Rich and his fishroom you are in for a treat.