
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. R

    Pacu fish

    Does anyone have any experience with large pacu living outside in a pond with about 30° weather as in the winter it gets cold here to about 30 degrees for about 6 to 8 weeks and we have never had them outside for winter as the pond is new... should we move them inside or try to heat the pond...
  2. AquaScape

    Current Stocklist as of 09/03/2017

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri): .75”-1” -600 available- 8ea. Or 10/70.00 1.5”-2” -80 available- 12ea. Or 10/100.00 3”-4” -100 available- 30ea. Or 3/100.00 5”-6” -1 available- 125.00 Caribe(Pygocentrus cariba)...
  3. N

    Pacu Mouth Disease; Please Help!

    Hi, Last week I saw a beat-up pacu at my LFS with mouth injured. I decided to heal him so I brought him home for medication. I used both melafix and primafix daily trying to get him improve. The water temperature is around 83 degrees. In the first 3 days, he still ate, but since the fourth day...
  4. B

    FTS | Albino Red Belly Pacu | $250$ - 350$ | Los Angeles, California | Picking-Shipping

    What type of listing is this?: FTS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Albino Red Belly Pacu What are your prices?: 250$ - 350$ Where are you located?: Los Angeles, California Pickup or Able to Ship?: Picking-Shipping Description: 16'' Albino Red Belly Pacu. Serious Buyer Only. Eats...
  5. Pravesh Shilotri

    Aligator Gars And Piranhas.!

    Hello Guys I Am Keeping 2 Aligator Gars,2 Red Belly Pacus,2 oscars and one knife fish.! what are your thoughts?
  6. J


    I added 3 red bellied Pacu into my fish tank with the tinfoil barbs question:does pacu nip or bite larger fish than them?? My tinfoil barbs are getting injured i dont know why 2 pacus are fine because they are smaller compared to my 2 tinfoils and 1 pacu seems to be nipping my tinfoils because...
  7. Diesel Street

    Transferring Taco the Pacu. A LITTLE ADVICE HERE!!!!

    Okay........Hello to all (by the way)! Pretty new to MFK' but been keeping fish since the 9th grade (im old as F**k, now!). Taco had been in a 29 gallon for thr 1st 6mo's of his life, then a 55 gallon for the next 12-14 mo's up until now. Taco's next move is the 300 gallon Rubbermaid stock...
  8. Red_Man

    Waaaaaiiiiiit for it! Lol :D

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  9. U

    Red Belly Pacu outgrew tank

    I am looking for someone to adopt my Pacu. It's free! No local stores or aquarium will take it. Let me know if anyone in NJ is interested or any rescue organizations where I can bring him to. Thank you
  10. Lukanani guy

    Wild Pacu Feeding Time s.Florida

    Footage from October, this lake a fellow fisherman told me about. they're used to being fed every afternoon. love the pacu!
  11. Kangadrew

    Ultimate DIY Fish Room - Nearly 100K Gallons in Total!

    Well, once I get enough money I plan to design a massive private aquarium, that will house lots of large, custom tanks and my freshwater collection I already have. I plan on constructing a building around the room, which will be pretty huge, so I'm really packing on the dough here ($250K budget...
  12. Fishpony

    Severum freaking out

    Hello, I have a old severum, got him from a lps when he was 3 inches and had him for over 5 years. He was raised in a bare bottom aquarium and has a little bit of a eye droop. So today i decided to add some gravel so he can dig a pit, and now he is freaking out over the gravel. He is just...