
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. nirmal

    New Breidohri and Freddy juvies ID confirmation

    Recently i ordered a couple of breidohri and friedrichsthalli. Its been close to a month and they are eating well. Now that they are about 2-3inches, im getting a bit doubtful about the ID, especially the breidohri. The breidohri seems to have red on the edges of the fins, which seems be...
  2. Dgmannn412


    The moto was a male and the mano was a female. They then spawned. From that I ended up with roughly 500+ fry. They are 5 days old and quickly advancing in development. My local fish stores what nothing to do with these fish because there hybrid and crazy mean. So question is what do I do with...
  3. Oz fish guy

    When will dad eat his kids?

    So ive been wondering when will big daddy see his offspring a threat to his dominance? How long can i keep them in the same tank as the parents? Forever is the answer im looking for aha
  4. Jeremy Anderson

    Aspiring Keeper of Monsters. Howdy, from Idaho!

    We actually say howdy here. :D Since this is an animal keeper forum I'll start by listing my menagerie. I keep some tiny monsters, in the form of a few Apistogramma agassizii. We have half a dozen sweetheart Discus in a community tank with 4 Blue Rams 4 Corydoras and an Ancistrus. I have a...
  5. Z

    Texas Cichlid Tankmates in 150 gallon

    Just finished cycling my 150 gallon, added a 5" Texas and a 4" Paratilapia Polleni. The Texas immediately started beating up the Polleni, so I returned it to my LFS. The Texas now has the whole tank to himself, and I'm wondering what other cichlids would work with it. Could I try a Jack Dempsey...
  6. R

    Wet pet for 29 gallon.

    I've been looking for the perfect wet pet for my 29 tall, and I've given up so i'll ask you guys. I LOVE PARACHROMIS SPECIES, but none of them can fit in a 30. But that gives you a genre of fish that i'd like. But yeah, I'm asking you guys (and girls) what a good wet pet would fit in this tank.
  7. spencer0t

    Pair of cichlids

    are there any aggressive south/Central American cichlid pair that I can house in a 75 gallon
  8. S

    Can you help on the sex of my sons dovii

    Hello, my son recently got a dovii which he has been wanting for quite a while. It is young (few months) and only about 2 1/2". When he picked it out they all looked exactly the same so we could not decipher males from females. Any help would be appreciated if its even possible at this young...
  9. vildotcom

    New P. Managuensis Pickup

    Thank you Craigslist! It's been a long time since I had a proper fish. Picked this guy up yesterday from a very nice family that was moving and breaking down their tank. Ad said 6'' but this guy's looking more like 7 to 8''. I'm thinking we're a male but I've been out of the game a long time.
  10. Aqua Nut

    Dovii, Jags & ALL Parachromis With GuapoteMel Meanest Cichlid Genus

    Today we go over everything Parachromis Cichlids with a very special guest, GuapoteMel. Mel has over 4 decades of experience caring for, breeding and raising every species in the Parachromis genus. He shares his secrets to success with all of us in this monster fish keeping 101. Mel goes over...
  11. Twonvito

    Woohoo! Red tiger Motas pair up

    I am excited that my Red tiger Motas have paired up and took half the tank up.. seems the male picked the best lady lol
  12. Twonvito

    I'm looking to Parachromis motaguensis ( small male psycho )

    Good evening everyone, I'm looking for some Parachromis motaguensis fry 1-3 inches for my lonely male I believe. He went on a killing spree.
  13. jancibie

    Parachromis managuensis

    two big males fight
  14. detto

    Bad Dovii parents - what's the deal?

    Have had my Dovii pair for over 3-4 years now. I know them pretty damn well. The tank is in my bedroom so I virtually see them all the time. I have finally came to the conclusion that they are just **** parents, I'm so damn frustrated. I know it's always mostly the owners fault but I have tried...
  15. H

    FS | Juvenile Parachromis Dovii Cichlids | $20 | CA 92677 | Local Only

    Hi everyone, I ordered some Doviis from Jeff Rapps at TUIC and would like to get some off of my hands. Reason for selling is because I ordered more than I needed (with the intention of increasing my chances at a male). So Im selling the leftover specimens. All appear to be between 2-3" in...
  16. H

    Juvenile Parachromis Dovii Cichlids for sale in 92677

    Reposted with proper title
  17. Twonvito

    Sad Day in the 125 grow out tank.

    I woke up to half my tank dead. 1 Parachromis friedrichsthalii 2 Amphilophus Lyonsi 1 Amphilophus Labiatus 1 Amphilophus sagittae I had did a water change 9 days and Added API Quick start yesterday because i didnt have any solution. I followed the instructions to a T. It ended in a massacre.
  18. Twonvito

    Parachromis friedrichsthalii id help

    I have 3 parachromis friedrichsthalii which I'm having trouble identifying sex. One I believe to male kinda keeps everyone of them in check. The first one is the one I believe to be Alpha male. The last pic is the same one as the first one.
  19. Sizzy905

    Jaguar cichlid

    Hi guys I'm bringing home a a jaguar cichlid tomorrow and I just wanted to put some pictures of her up to see if you all think she's healthy. She looks good to me but never had one before so can't say. I'll be posting updates on her soon :) Thanks
  20. that_fish_Guy

    Parachromis dovii growout thread

    After keeping several LFS style dovii in the past( mutts) I have finally found some nice Costa Rican dovii off of a very reputable buddie of mine. I have gotten a male and a female and I plan to keep these fish long term... As in for their whole lives. They are in a 240 gallon 8x2x2 as of now. I...