
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. R

    Peacock Bass Possibly Having Seizures??

    I have a couple 5" or so peacock bass (a couple Azuls and a couple Monos) the past couple days one of my monos seems like he is having severe seizures, and then suddenly goes back to semi-normal behavior - looks slightly flushed and hides in driftwood which isn't exactly typical for him. He also...
  2. Miks786

    P.Bass eating Red wiggler worms?

    Hey MFK Has anyone ever fed red wiggler worms to baby cichla(1 inch)? I have 5 baby azuls that only eat blood worms at the moment and i dont want to feed them live fish...I want to grow them to about 5 inches before pellet training.. Would red wiggler worms help with growth rate? TIA ;)
  3. FishSwarm

    Help ID Chichlid females breeding with Z-Rock Yellow Blaze Lithobate?

    Hi all, my first post here. Can't wait to start getting involved with this great community. I have tons to talk about and experiences to share. So much to do and so little time while I setup my half basement fish room. This site has been extremely helpful for me on making decisions on steel...
  4. Jexnell

    Questions about a125gal Peacock tank

    I have been tossing around the idea of making a 125gal Peacock Male only tank. Would be filtered by an FX4, and would set up circulation pumps at either end to get that flow they like to swim against. Sand substrate with several big rocks for decore. My questions are, 1) How many would be a...
  5. N

    180 gal Malawi stocking

    Will be setting up a new 180gal (6x2x2) Malawi tank by the end of the summer. Was thinking this for a preliminary stock list. Going to get the mbuna at 2”, the haps and peacocks at 3” and the fronts at 5”. Would love some suggestions of the best online vendors for Africans and also for...
  6. A

    Opinions on the gender of this OB

    Hey guys I added this to my other post but figured no one would go there to look but I got 2 new peacocks and one of them I’m sure is a female I know it’s hard without venting but from the fin and the color it’s almost hard to tell so I’d appreciate someone’s experience I’m 90% sure and it’s the...
  7. Reaperxvii

    125 Gallon Peacock Tank Deaths

    Hey guys, so long story short in my 2 month old peacock tank Im loosing nearly a fish every other day, water parameters are good. I added 18 1-1.5in assorted peacock when I first got the tank, all was well up through the cycling period. Once Nitrates were there and nitrites and ammonia were gone...
  8. A

    venustus + peacock + synodontis multipunctatus questions

    I have a couple questions. 1st how big do peacocks and synodontis multipunctatus need to be to make sure a venustus won't eat them? I have heard 2 inches, 1/3 the size of the venustus and even 1/2 the size of the venustus. 2nd I have seen a lot of tanks with a large Male Mbuna bumblebee in...
  9. Reaperxvii

    125 gallon peacock tank

    Hello guys, new to the forms. I've been in the aquarium hobby about 8 months now and have a successful Community 75 gallon (granted its overstocked but over filtered :) )and two 29 gallon aquariums. Now I'm starting my next project which is going to be a 125 gallon tank and I believe I want to...
  10. Sir Speedy

    Cichlid Tank PH?

    Hi everyone I wanted to know what PH do you keep your Malawi Cichlid in? If you keep Peacocks what's your PH?
  11. Mbielek

    Need advice on new 65 gallon setup!!

    Hello, so ive recently purchased a 65 gallon tall. Its been running for about 4 days. New filter on it, but right away i put a filter pad from an established tank that i have running. I also added a bacteria supplement to the water. Plan to move the entire existing filter to this tank when its...
  12. Mvrenko

    65 gallon fish tank_Peacock Cichlid

    Hello! I am interested in setting up a tank 65 gallon peacock cichlid tank. How many males can I fit in a 65 gallon (18.4"L x 36.4"W x 25"H) with the right up-keep? Would adding females to the tank create too much aggression? Thanks in advance for them help.
  13. Ohionick2017

    90 gallon filtration

    I have a 90 gallon (48x18) im currently resealing i bought off of craigslist and i wanna go with a cannister filter(s). stocking: 1 jack dempsey 1 turqoise severum 1 gold nuggett pleco 1 peacock eel I'd like to do black sand substrate and driftwood as an aquascape I was thinking of either a...
  14. M

    New fish suggestions?

    We are looking for a new fish or two that is highly colorful. We have an 110 gallon tank with a bunch of caves. We already have a dragon blood peacock, 3 yellow labs, 1 red top zebra, 3 blue dolphin cichlids, a red empress, a Raphael cat, and a bristlenose pleco. We halfway expect the red...
  15. A

    What kind of peacock bass is this?? It is about 10-12 inches and some prople said kelberis some mono

    Please help me who ever is 10+ years in studying bass
  16. O

    Baby monster fish

    Hi I am new to the site but have a nice 75 gallon setup with some baby monster fish. It has a glass bottom with rocks and lots of places to hide and my fish so far are, 2 rope fish, 2 fire eels, one goby dragon, a zig zag eel, a clown knife fish, a peacock eel, a spiny eel, a dinosaur bichir 7...
  17. Jake Bailey

    Overnight death of 3 alunacara cichlids

    So this morning i woke up to 3 out of my 4 alunacaras died at the bottom of the tank, and i have no clue as to what happened. I can't see the 4th and i don't know where the tropheus is. Both haps are currently alive. In terms of the tank, there was 4 alunacara, 1 tropheus, 4 corys and a plec...
  18. Dustin0413

    So I snuck up one of my tanks this morning...

    I have a 125 that has some new peacocks that I got a few days ago. One juvie male sunshine that is starting to show color and one 4-5" mature aulonocara stuartgranti mbenji. I added them three days ago, and the larger male has been hiding and barely showing any interest in food. I havent seen...
  19. Dustin0413

    Peacock sexing. (Thought it was female, may be male)

    Just curious what you guys think, I purchased it about two weeks ago, approx 1.5-2". I believed it to be female but it's showing some yellow and purple now. I don't have much luck venting when they are this small, I'm only about 50% accurate lol. Here are a few pics, i had to take a slow...
  20. Jvincent

    Lwanda info

    So I bought what is supposed to be an F1 Hai reef lwanda from my LFS. It wasn't a cheap fish and it's only 1.5". My question is do pure lwanda usually have eggspots on their anal fins? And do they grow out of them? My lwanda has them and is starting to develop some color, though it doesn't...