planted tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Aqua Nut

    Thrive All in One Planted Aquarium Fertilizer Review

    Today we talk about Thrive by NilocG Aquatics. It is an awesome all-in-one liquid aquarium plant fertilizer that has really given us amazing results in our planted tanks. We have had a lot of success with this easy to use product and so have many others in the aquascaping and planted tank world...
  2. Aqua Nut

    The Making of a ADA Nature Aquarium for a Monster Fish

    Today we finally reveal the 75 gallon aquascape project we have been working on. With the help of Kevin from NOAH (Links below) we finished building our nature aquarium for our monster fish. We go over how this tank started and where we got the materials used in the scape. We also go over some...
  3. Jexnell

    First go with real plants

    So I have always used them plastic plants in my tanks. I want to give it a go at keeping some real plants this time. I have 2 55gal tanks. So for both I will need 18in of light penetration to get to the bottom, thats if the lights sit right on top on the tank like most LEDS do now. I was...
  4. VRWC

    240G with 75 sump, WHY do I still have high nitrates?

    Hey everyone...Im perplexed and need some help. I have what I feel is more than adequate filtration, flow etc on a yr old established tank and Im still reading what I consider high nitrates for such small stock & large water column. I havent tested the water directly after a change (I will...
  5. Larryfish

    Help! Lighting issue.

    Okay. So I have a 55 gal planted setup That I recently did. With two fluvial aquasky lights on it 48" when expanded. I was doing some research on giant hairgrass (because I have it in my tank) and saw that most people were having issues with the plant propagating due to lighting. Most people...
  6. xDestro

    Hair algae?? Help?

    This is my very first "planted tank". 20 long Corner matten filter with media behind it 20lb of eco complete Finnex 24/7 planted+ light I just changed it so the light is on for 10 hours instead of 12 to see of that helps. Known plants, Water wysteria Java fern Anubius Possible small...
  7. Mbielek

    Dwarf Hairgrass experiment in Ram Cichlid tank

    What's up fish people, so we've all dreamed of an amazing carpeting plant to be successful in our tanks, and this is my second try at dwarf hairgrass. My first attempt was in my own 75 gallon freshwater community. After a few days, my silver dollars absolutely tore it all out and I could not...
  8. B

    Scape and Plant-friendly Big Fish!

    Greetings everyone! I have been watching this great community for a couple of years now, but as I was more of a planted/scaped tank person, I never joined to talk big fish! This is my first post, so please allow me a bit of TL/DR preamble to the question. Last August, 6 monts ago, I completely...
  9. jonah h2o

    my next/new planted tank!

    got a text from aquatic warehouse saying that they FINALLY had my tank in! quickly went to the store an picked it up, I was lucky I got it when I did supposedly mr. aqua is having problems. still trying to find the money to get everything the way I want to (make it perfect) heres a list of what...
  10. NotablySardonic

    Pseudo-reparium inquiry

    I recently went head first into a new conceptual direction on this tank i have. I actually posted about this one in the South American Cichlid section here on mfk because the tank feautures 7 smaller Geophagus Winemilleri I aquired on a whim. So heres the deal, 135 gallon only 2/3 full. Sand...
  11. jonah h2o

    dirt planted tanks? and lighting

    is a dirt planted tank the way to go? I've been trying to figure out if a dirt planted tank (aqua soil) is the right way to go for me, my LFS (aquatic warehouse) is ordering me a tank L36" W18" H18". I would like to do a dirt planted tank but not totally sure what it entails and if there is...
  12. NotablySardonic

    Types of Royals (post yours here)

    I recently set up a heavily wooded 135 gallon tall for some Geophagus Winemilleri i had aquired and ended up with 2 different Royal Plecos. So i started doing some digging on all the types and really, there isn't a good amount of intel reguarding them on the net. So i need some experts. One of...
  13. Naos1984

    Honduran red points and plants, compatible?

    Who among here had HRP's in planted tanks before? Are they any danger to plants? I mean plants beside the already hardy java ferns, amazonnswords and anubias?
  14. A

    125 gallon stocking SA/CA themed

    Alright let's cut to the chase... I went to aqadvisor, filled out the info on the fish I wanted. It told me 80% stocking, filtration was in 340's%, WC at 37% a week. Now I would like people with experience to put in their two cents. It's a standard 125. I'll have sand substrate (quikrete pool...
  15. Christian Tinoco

    Rheoheros (Theraps) ID Help

    Bought this Rheoheros through my local fish store about a month ago, was labeled as a Theraps lentiginosus but has a pinkish hue to it which some coeruleus develop but not sure. Any suggestions or sexing advice here?
  16. PoissonRouge

    Canister Filter Media input for high tech aquarium

    Hi everyone! I have scoured the internet searching for some answers without luck. So I want some experienced input on what to media to keep in my canister filter. For the tank it is a 46gallon bow, dirt substrate, high lighting and pressurized co2 injection (using a diffuser - NOT inline...
  17. Christian Tinoco

    Successfull! Overstocked 50 Gallon Eartheater Tank

    I am fairly new to the hobby and have been at it for about a year and a half now. I started from a 5 gallon to a 10 gallon, up to a 29 gallon and now a 50-gallon breeder tank that's 36 inch x 18 x 19 tall running on a Fluval 306 and a Fluval 206 filter and have overstocked a planted setup with...
  18. PoissonRouge

    Ideas for Bichir Tank Mates - Algea eaters - My conundrum

    So I have a live planted soil tank, capped with sand and some fish that surprisingly get along very well right now. Here is the list and their sizes 1 Delhezi Bichir (a thick 11-12") 1 Endli Bichir / or hybrid (still unsure about 12") 4 Yoyo Loaches (x1@4" & x3@2") 2 Bristlenose Pleco's (2.5"...
  19. F

    FS: 150 Gallon Clear for Life Acrylic

    Getting out of the hobby! I have a beautiful 150 complete set up. Comes with everything! Tank has built in dual corner overflows, 60 gallon custom made sump, Aqua UV sterilizer, Lifegard pump, Eshopps filter socks, moving K2 media bed in sump, twin Aquaclear 70 powerheads, two 300 watt heaters...
  20. Lil g

    Substrate issues in dirted tank

    Ok so I have a densely planted aquarium in my 36g bow front that has been running for about 2 weeks... Co2 running in the tank with a odyysea t5 light fixture. I dirted my tank with miracle gro organic potting mix and capped it with all purpose sand I bought from home Depot. I'm starting to...