
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. RTC probe 3

    Growing Java moss

    Hello guys, I just bought my new piece of java moss and could you guys tell me some tips and methods of growing it other than the normal methods such as the relevant water temp.,ph,etc. And could you guys also confirm if this really is java moss?
  2. PGJE

    my first planted tank

    This is my first planted tank. I am going to move the fish and plants to a 50 gallon tank and make a much better one, but here's what iv'e got right now!
  3. PGJE


    in the past week iv'e found this algae in the community tank that grows really quickly and covers everything. it's not bad, if you scrub it off the sides, it all comes out in a big sheet, but i cleaned my tank (including a gravel siphoning) 2 days ago and got rid of all of it and now its back...
  4. J

    Fish dying? Why?

    I have a 20 gallon tank with 4 black neons, 3 balloon mollies, a swordtail a platt and some shrimp. I’ve had the tank set up for about 4 months. Everything was going well. I decided to start a planted tank so I added some Caribsea planted substrate. I got some plants that were packaged and went...
  5. Kingster

    New THREAD: Is this overstocked?

    SOUTH AMERICAN TANK 1 x Oscar 2 x guianacara gaeyi 4 x Silver Dollars 2 (3) x Pimelouds Maculatus Be too much for a 120 gallon dual overflew, with a trigger 36 sump? BTW need recommendations for cool natural substrate, plants, and rocks
  6. Kingster

    Too much for 120 South America?

    Hi, I am looking to stock my 120 into a South American tank, with abit of plants and wood. the sump is trigger systems crystal sump 36 READ THIS: I plan to keep all the fish from fry or small size and not have to upgrade to keep them after they grow up! STOCKING IDEA: 5 x Pictus Catfish -...
  7. B

    Really dark water in planted tank

    Hey guys, I need some advice. I recently set up my 75 with 2 mopani and a few other pieces of wood, one is over 5 feet long & curved, so it barely fits. The issue is my water is reallllly dark, I mean can't see rear of the tank dark. There is some frogbit, jungle Val's and 1 sword in there. I...
  8. Lars6

    Help with Monte Carlo

    I am currently cycling my 20 gallon long and I have planted Monte Carlo. I divided two pots into about 5 parts each when I planted them. It has now been a week and the Monte Carlo doesn’t look so hot. I have a fluval 2.0, dose seachem flourish once a week, and add API co2 booster once a day...
  9. xDestro

    Enough lighting?

    I just ordered some Anubis and Java fern so I can start attacking it to my driftwood to add a "planted tank" look to my 75. As of now I just have a marineland led strip... I know this is not ideal at all but for these plants is it enough? I leave it on for about 11-12 hours a day... BUT I have a...
  10. J

    Help me chose rare plants to tissue culture!

    At my LFS, we are partnering with a very smart individual who has much experience tissue culturing plants. I need your help increasing my list of rare plants we can tissue culture. In turn, I can try to sell some of the tissue cultured plants for less than the average going price. We are looking...
  11. K

    Silver Dollar v Plants

    I have 4 silver dollar. they are the most hungry fishes among others. The problem is that I am not able to maintain my plants because of the silver dollar as they are eating all my plants. I feed them algae wafers every day twice but then also they are eating up my plants. I really don't care...
  12. H

    New here

    Hi! My names Hayley and I'm new here! This is the first forum I have joined so I'm pretty excited to post and ask lots of questions! A little about me: I currently have 3 tanks set up! From biggest to smallest, 55 gallon with 2 Blood parrots,1 Electric Blue Acara, 1 Firemouth cichlid, and 1 yoyo...
  13. Josh's Fish

    Primitive Fish Riparium Update - April

    Hi, thought I'd do an update since I haven't posted in a while. Is a long one, but have cool pictures to trick you in to thinking it's not boring haha The tank is 7ft long x 4ft wide x 2ft deep (1400 litres) with a 16 inch tall sliding glass door riparium section. The riparium plants are...
  14. Deadliestviper7

    Plant,landscape,and fungi thread

    This thread is about plants,landscaping and shroom farming(for ornamental or food purposes ,and includes gardens,house plants,paladariums,greenhouses etc etc As always feel free to get off subject
  15. Lady Sphinx

    Please help me identify these

    So my hubby came home with a bag with three aquarium plants in them he said they were on a bundle special for extremely cheap. So he thought of me and bought them can someone please help me identify them so I can find out what type if care they need.
  16. I

    Cats and plants?

    How would a gulper catfish do with plants, I haven't seen one in a planted aquarium and haven't heard of it. And how about bull head, blue cats, channel cats, and flatheads? So how would they do with plants?
  17. PatrickMW36

    PICKEREL TANK (Plant Info)

    I'm a beginner when it comes to keeping live aquarium plants. I'm setting up a new tank to house some Redfin Pickerel. I want to add a good amount of live plants. What are some good US native plants or plants who do well in that environment that are easy to take care of ? Also I live in Illinois...
  18. H

    Floating plants?

    I have a 60 gallon tank with tiger barbs, eartheaters, and a rainbow shark. Any good floating plant suggestions in aouthern california?
  19. Hendre

    14 year olds big aquaponics project

    So for my science project and to satisfy my need to do more aquaponics (hopeful career :) )i am building a large aquaponic system to test how root exposure to water affects plant growth, This is all i have done for my report so far: To test my subject i will be using an 1000 litre container...
  20. Hendre

    Bunch of jack dempsey questions

    as the title suggests i have a few questions about jack dempseys. here we go. 1- is a 65 gal suibtable for a pair? 2-is a boyu fef 230 suitable for a single/ pair dempsey?if not is there a suitable budget filter? 3-best food for dempseys 4-can a dempsey tank be planted? 5- any tips for these...