• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. P

    5 adult Zebra Plecos

    5 adult zebra plecos for sale. They're about 3-4 years old and were in my display tank as a backup for my other breeding colonies. Basically, any extras that were too difficult or too small to sex were put in my display to grow out as an insurance policy in case something happens to my other...
  2. RubyRuby234

    Picture Perfect

    The title says it all.. Here’s a link to a little video of my tank I just posted today, so it includes my newest addition!!! Check it out! Thank you to everyone who likes and comments on my posts here. I appreciate all the feedback and advice, I don’t have any friends or anything in the hobby...
  3. D

    Back to back dead plecos.

    Hello all, I recently lost both of my plecos. Within 3 days of each other. I removed the bodies immediately. I can't figure out what killed them. Thier tankmates are 4 baby angels (1.5 inches), two baby ornate bichirs (2.5 inches), a baby black ghost knife (2 inches), and baby five clown loaches...
  4. AG458

    Tank Update!

    I've had my current 60g (long) tank up and running since last summer. Despite my taste for large fish, my current stock is doing very well together. My current stock is as listed below: x1 Common Plecostomus x1 Azul Peacock Bass x1 Polypterus Endlicheri x1 Silver Arowana (Surprise!) Please keep...
  5. AG458

    What Plecos Do You Keep?

    I was just interested as to see what kind of plecos you guys keep! I love plecos, and, even though I've only got one at the moment, I plan on getting more in the future! What would you suggest? Attached at the bottom are recently taken (and edited) pics of my common pleco. (I should really...
  6. Abby Ru

    Biggest Pleco Kept in a Tank Contest! haha

    I came across this crazy picture and had to do this thread!! Who has the largest pleco catfish kept in a tank (not a pond)! image source: http://plecostomus.org/growth-size/
  7. Adictd2Fsh

    FUNGUS! what the?

    So i put this new piece of wood in my aquarium and two days later it has this crazy white cloudy stuff growing on it. I took it out immediately! My royal pleco was loving it tho. should i treat my tank for fungus or what? this stuff grew so rapidly on this wood. what to do. Do my fish need...
  8. Aicdt97

    150 gallon tall with fish pictures

    Ok the tank
  9. Davidiator


    Is this a Normal Hi-Fin Pleco Or a Marble Hi-Fin Pleco I was told it is a normal by one person and another said it is marble... Both said it is hi-fin.
  10. PGJE

    100 gallon stocking?

    I am going to get a 100 gallon tank in a month or two and i was wondering what i should stock it with? There will be two turtles (that can never catch fish, Iv'e had them for a while and want to upgrade their tank), a place and some large comet goldfish. are there any large fish that can go into...
  11. O

    Help my leopard pleco

    so I recently reieved a leopard pleco on the 20 of January, his precious owner took terrible care of it , water was terrible, she gave me the whole set up with heater everything , I scrubbed the tank and equipment for 2 hours , and gave him a new home , however it turned out the heater wasn’t...
  12. AG458

    Pleco Bleeding Lip/Mouth Disease?

    Recently, I just noticed that my common pleco's lip appeared to be bleeding. By 'bleeding,' I mean red. I does NOT look healthy. Prior to this, he had a tiny growth on the side of his head; it is currently shrinking. As of now, I do not know my water parameters and I have no pictures of the...
  13. AG458

    Fish Store Finds

    Just some fish that stood out to me from my LFS. Enjoy:)
  14. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Whats your favorite Pleco species?

    Post up your pics below of your favorite Pleco species!:D My favorite being the L025 Red scarlet pleco (Pseudacanthicus) I have yet to come across one but is on my bucket list for sure. (Photo below is not mine, not my credit.)
  15. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Frozen? Flake? Pellet? Live?

    What’s everyone feeding there fish? What’s your favorite brand of food ? - I feed a diet of omega one kelp pellets, omega one cichlid pellets, market shrimp, frozen blood worms, frozen brine shrimp with spirulina, and San Francisco Bay silver sides
  16. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    - 125g setup -

    This is my 125g setup- Fish: - 5 Myleus Schomburgkii (black bar silver doller), 8 Metynnis Lippincottianus (spotted silver dollar), 1 Metynnis Fasciatus (tiger stripe silver dollar) - 4 Geophagus Tapajos' red head - 1 Hypostomus plecostomus (common pleco) - 1 Calophysus macropterus ( Vulture...
  17. AquaScape

    Current Stock-list! 12/22/17

    -Piranha- Red Bellies(Pygocentrus nattereri) .75”-1” $8.oo ea. Or 10/$70.oo 3" $30.oo ea. 4”-5” $40.oo ea. Or 4/$140.oo 5"-6" $75.oo ea. Caribe(Pygocentrus notatus) 5”-6”...
  18. M

    Blue Panaque and Corydora

    Hello all! I’ve been a lurker here for a while but finally made an account to post some questions I have. I currently have a very established 75 gallon stocked with a motley crew of Corydora Catfish (a few Albinos, Juli, and Pandas) that essentially school. Most are fairly small. In the same...
  19. N

    Need A Pleco

    I currently have a nano tank and desperately need another pleco. Right now I have a L162, but all it does is hide and only comes out during water changes since I clean his hiding spot. Also in that tank are various shrimp(cross breeding), cpos(the aquarium I got my pair from were raised in a...
  20. Ricardo quezada

    Inactive barred bichir

    Is there a way to make them more active? They just stay at the bottom of the tank and don't do much. They are juveniles about an inch in length. Water conditions are fine. Living with plecos and feeder guppies. TEMPORARY HOUSING . Eventually moving to soemthing large with other predator fish. I...