• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. T

    Will an Orante be a problem when kept with a Senagal later down the line?

    Currently have a plat Senegal around 8-9cm (3 - 3.5 inches). Would it be a good idea to get an 8cm (3 inch) Ornate with it? I know that Ornates can be bullies and will outgrow the Senegal but I have seen Ornates cohabitate fine with other Bichers online. Is it just a matter of individual fish...
  2. W

    Congo tetras and African butterfly fish with smaller UJs?

    Newbie here getting ready to set up my 75 (48Lx18Wx20H). Just need to get the new flooring laid in the room and then I can set up the tank. My plan is to start out with the following stock list: 1x Polypterus delhezi 1x P. Senegalus long fin 1x P. Polli 1x leopard ctenepoma 6x Congo tetras I...
  3. W

    Polypterus pen pal

    7 years ago I saw a polypterus for the first time and I’ve been obsessed ever since. I’m happy to announce that I’m finally pulling the trigger on my dream tank. Here is a basic run down of my plan First set up my 75 gallon (48x18”) footprint with a 40 gallon diy sump system. Stock list will...
  4. zdolla3

    Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri Tank

    How long do yall think an endli can last in a 75g? With one or two medium Size fish (for waste reference)? I saw about an 9 inch relatively thick one at my store in a 30g I really want to bring home. But didn’t want to get it and then really quickly need to upgrade or rehome. Quick growers? Thanks
  5. TheFishDealer

    For Sale 18-19" Nigerian Sp. Bichir

    Can Ship Southwest Cargo or UPS Overnight Currently Eating Shrimp Text me if interested 801-770-0045
  6. J

    How many delhezi in tank

    I’ve been tempted to get more dels but am concerned about aggression. I currently have a 4.5” delhezi in a 125 gallon tank filled about halfway. The actual volume of water that’s currently in the tank is 40 gallons. I like the look so would like to keep it filled halfway permanently. I have 3...
  7. Egemen

    Fish updates !

    The polys growth has slowed down. They are healthy and active tho. The Spotted Raphael is a new member and never missed a feeding. Also found bunch of ropefish at the LFS for 10 dollars each. Sadly dont think my tank is big or understocked enough to support one or two... After the recent sad...
  8. fishmarket

    Endli bichir has white threads stuck on mouth

    Is it food? Is it worms? Injury? Appeared overnight. Bichir is eating and behaving normally. Water change weekly. Had him a little over a year since baby, he is now 13 inches. See photo attached. P.S. I grow out algae for sides and back of tank so it's not neglected and dirty.
  9. Egemen

    Changed the tank substrate to sand, loving this new look.

    After noticing some injuries under one of my Bichirs belly, decided to get sand substrate and some medicine. Looks good so far. Hope the wound heals tho.
  10. D

    Fossorochromis rostratus in Polypterus / Bichir community?

    Any hobbyists who have had fossorochromis rostratus in their polypterus community tanks? Greatly appreciate any advice on this. Thank you in advance "
  11. T

    Polypterus ID?

    So I got this fish at the fish store and it was sold to me as a polls bichir, it obviously isn’t which is super sad but it also looks much different than all the Senegal’s I own. It has a bit of mottling throughout his color and his belly is much more yellow that my almost light tan Senegal’s...
  12. M

    For Sale Polypterus Endlicheri

    I'm looking to re-home Female Polypterus Ansorgii about 1' and 4'' long. Pick up only.
  13. Iamfish

    Gonna try polys again

    So I have been thinking for a while of trying out poly's again. So today I decided to sell one of my cats and get a poly, it will be here on Friday :) Will post pics when it gets here
  14. IgnatzMcJockel

    Hand Feeding Bichirs

    Hi MFKers I already had the first trys getting my poly pack used to hand feeding...but until now i only had success, if i put my hand lower then the half of the tank...but i would like to feed them near the surface (no wet arm every time^^). Has anyone of you experience in getting bichirs used...
  15. IgnatzMcJockel

    Delhezi sex determinition

    Hello MFK, Keeping Delhezi Bichirs has been a very big Wish of mine for the last few years. I prepared a long time , before buying my first two Dels this February (i often read that it's easy to gender polys). They were both worm-size (~2"). Becaus i wasn't shure if they'r male or femal i...
  16. Ashan Kavinda

    Transformation of Polypterus Endlicheri Bichir (can you guess the Breed)

    Transformation of Polypterus Endlicheri Bichir feeding on coppens sinking Pallets
  17. Ashan Kavinda

    Can any one ID this Poly ?

  18. B

    Trying to escape the tank

    My sens are trying to escape the tank. Is that normal? Or there is something wrong with the water?
  19. Ashan Kavinda

    African River Bottom Tank

  20. Jacob._.merc

    Red (blood?) on bichir

    I noticed recently on my delhezi bichir that he has red marks on his underside. The almost look like cuts. He is housed with 3 other bichirs and 2 catfish. Is this something to stress over or will it heal over time?