• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. Nilsafeller

    Sexing my bichir

    Basically just asking if any experienced poly keepers could tell me what sex my bichir is... I thought Male but not sure
  2. gotin20

    Polypterus 21 inches in New York

    polypterus 21 inches for 250 $
  3. Rob909

    My new endlicheri

    I’ve never seen a poly this small but it was a $20 steal and I’ve been looking for one for quite a while so I pulled the trigger on it. It’s about 3” max so it’s in a 10 gallon tank while I get him on food and pellet trained. It’s just a small temporary tank until he’s big enough to go into the...
  4. Miks786

    Poly Id??

    Hey guys i came across these polys.. Could anyone please tell me what species are they?
  5. R

    Question regarding Senegal bichirs

    Hey guys this is my first time posting and I have been looking for answer to this and i cannot find one. I am relatively new to aquariums and bichirs. So I will just get into it. i have a 55g tank and put a bichir i got from petsmart in there about 3 months ago. along with it went a female...
  6. Troy1015

    Troy1015 Poly Thread

    Hopefully I can chronicle my poly and enjoy sharing with you. Been back in the hobby for almost a year now and have went through many buy and sell and am settling in on a pretty permanent long term set up with a few more pieces to add over the next few months or hopefully by end of the year...
  7. E

    Sodium phosphate safe for bichir?

    Hi folks, I bought some raw shrimp to add to my bichir's diet and only noticed now that the ingredients include sodium phosphate. Anyone know if it's safe for fish? Thanks!
  8. RocketGarStar

    75 Gallon Oddball Tank

    I've had my 75 G forever, but I've been thinking about redoing it, as far as fish species go. Right no, I have: 1 6.5 inch Hujeta/Rocket Gar 1 4 inch Payara (growin him out) 1 6.5 inch African Featherfin Cat 1 4 inch Jack Depsey 1 5 inch Gourami (Not a Giant, but I don't know what it is yet)...
  9. D

    How many Bichirs could I have in a 150 gallon?

    Hello all! I have a fully cycled 150 gallon tank with 4 angels and 5 clown loaches. I have a BGK and will be getting some Bichirs, so here is my question. How many Bichirs could I get and not be pushing an unhealthy stocking level? Only upper jaws. Nothing huge. I have a sponge filter, 575 gph...
  10. Hasircoglu

    Chances of being killed

    alright so I have to move some fish together temporarily and a 13in dolloi and 9in bichir are gonna have to go in the same, otherwise empty 125 for the next few days, it’s only temporary it will be a week at max, but what are the chances that the lung murders the bichir? Side note neither of...
  11. mattybecks

    What are these polys doing?

    Hi guys, I have taken a video however this site dosnt seem to allow me to post it. So you only have a few pics. There are 2x polyeptrus Seneglaus in this 5ft 100gal, along with syndontis, Oscar and some SDs. So the Polys rub up right next to each other, top to tail, and start rubbing their...
  12. Chinnavar

    Oscar tank

    Hellooo, I always wanted to have an oscar or 2, I recently found this cheap second hand Juwel rio 450 ( Dimensions are 151 x 51 x66 cm). Now I was wondering if it would be big enough for 2 oscars, a poly or 2 and a clean up crew and which filter would be ideal for this setup? Since I can save...
  13. neko1

    behaviour hejuta?

    Hello, I got 1 hejuta beani. It's now in a 1,2meter tank with channa andrao's because mine is only 5cm and I am afraid it will get eaten if I move it to the 2meter tank right now. I love hejuta's. But I would like to add some fish that I can see at all times swimming in the tank. Thats why I...
  14. Ricardo quezada

    Fish suggestions 150gal

    I don't know what to keep in a 150 gal tank. I like arowanas and alligator gars but I knwo they can not be housed in any aquarium because they would be i humane and cruel. I'd rather stay away from cichlids. I was think about freshwater rays or some other oddball fish. I would like some kind of...
  15. Ricardo quezada

    Inactive barred bichir

    Is there a way to make them more active? They just stay at the bottom of the tank and don't do much. They are juveniles about an inch in length. Water conditions are fine. Living with plecos and feeder guppies. TEMPORARY HOUSING . Eventually moving to soemthing large with other predator fish. I...
  16. J

    Ornate Bichir

    Hi everyone. I wish to enquire something. I have had my ornate bichir for quite a while now and earlier after I got back from work, I realised that there was a lump underneath my ornate bichir mouth. it is worrying me a lot as I am unsure of it. Yesterday night before I went to sleep, I...
  17. mattybecks

    Are 5bar lamprologus really that deadly?

    Has anyone ever kept 5 bar lamprologus before? I hear they are super aggressive and will kill anything during breeding. I have a 5ft, 100gal tank, and plan to keep a few (6) with my 2 polyptrus seneglaus and group of 5 cuckoo synodontis. In the experts opinion will this work? Will they kill my...
  18. xDestro

    Bichir not doing well

    Picked up a small 1.5 inch delhezi yesterday and I noticed today that he just floats at the top, he doesn't seem to be moving one of his fins and that makes it to where he swims like a fish outa water, any ideas?
  19. xDestro

    More buchirs?

    Could I add a delhezi bichir in my 75 with my roughly 6 inch senegal? If so how big would I have to get a dehlezi for him to be safe? Current stock: • 1 6 inch senegal bichir • 1 4-5 inch zig zag eel • 2 synodontis • 1 banjo • african butterflyfish • 4 red ruby barbs ( prob getting rid of) •...
  20. moe214

    Being accustomed to thuds suck

    So last night I heard a thud, which I'm used to hearing between the black wolf and odoe in the bigger tank, I didn't think anything of it but woke up to a dead del, everyone else is fine, he's not in a tank with anything aggressive, just did a water change. That's my only guess. Was a full 9"