
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. H

    Viewing panel glass thickness help!

    So I'm making an outdoor pond and I'd like to install viewing panel. The dimensions are 8 ft by 12 ft and 22.5 tall. I'm also digging a foot away from the edges probably down 30 in. I would like to use a old 75 gallon tank as a viewing panel. I know the glass thickness is only a 1/4" and is...
  2. Bean Jonkus

    Jumping gar

    Hi all, I have a 300 gallon stock tank that is home to my 2 spotted gar, and 1 iridescent shark. in the last month I have had the smaller of 2 gar jump out 2 times. luckily I have been home and able to get him back in right away, but im wondering what might be the issue. He is eating, and...
  3. M

    Window for outdoor pond that freezes

    Not about monster fish but figured this would be the best place to ask. What considerations are needed for window ponds outdoors in a climate that freezes during the winter? Would I be correct in thinking glass is at risk of cracking so acrylic is the way to go? Or is glass fine? Usually in...
  4. Arowana.hw

    For Sale Koi fish

    9-18” koi fish. 8 to choose from, price is 60-150$ depending on size.
  5. F

    Live fish markets that sell monster fish in Cali

    Hey all - Looking for a live fish market in Cali (anywhere in Cali, I will go for this) that sells groupers, snappers, or other monster saltwater fish. Hoping to rescue some of these and put them in my 450gal saltwater pond, which will become a 2-3k gallon in June! Any markets where you’ve...
  6. J

    HELP!! sick Red tail catfish

    hi so i have these two RTC’s in a 1800 gallon pond with some gar oscar and irredecent’s and i just recently noticed red abrasion marks on both my rtcs none of the other fish seem to be bothered but the rtc’s are seeming more lethargic than usual water parameters are good the bottle just looks a...
  7. J

    fish swimming/acting irregularly

    i have a couple barramundi with some tarpon and other fish, 1 barra is swimming head up with they’re mouth open and the other is swimming in an almost snake like pattern the barramundi are the only fish in the tank out of 5 different species that are acting up what can i do to help them get better?
  8. mybirthdateisfake

    Planning on building 2,000gal next year, stocking?

    Next year I have big plans for a 2,000gal pond. It will be 19x8x2ft (or something around that). I've got a stocking in mind but I need more fish to fill this pond. My stocking idea so far: 1 Giraffe catfish 1 Clarias batrachus 1 Clown knife fish 2 Florida gar Any other fish that could go well...
  9. mybirthdateisfake

    Catfish for 400 gal?

    I'm planning to add a catfish to my 400 gal pond, but what catfish should it be? Current stocking: - 10-11in Green Terror - 12in Jaguar cichlid - 10in Oscar - 2 Tinfoil barbs
  10. J

    looking to buy arapiama

    i just recently got two 5 inch piamas from predatory fins and had issues with shipping and feeding since they were so little i’m not really trying to go thorough all that hassle again, so im looking for an arapiama over 10 inches in or near colorado or california if shipping is possible that’d...
  11. J

    need help getting baby arapiama to eat

    i just recently got two baby arapiama’s about 6 days ago ones about 2.5-3 inches other is around 4 and i haven’t been able to get either to eat they’re in a 50 gallon long with two bichirs i’ve tried cut shrimp, cut tilapia, ghost shrimp, guppy fry, blood worms, larva, pellets, and krill they’ll...
  12. Billyboy283

    For Sale 300 Gallon Stock Tank/Pond

    8’x4’ stock tank pond. 50 gallon garbage can sump. $350
  13. H

    I need some help with my koi!!!!

    I have my koi in the pond normally all summer but I took three of my favorite ones out to put in my 300 gallon tank since I recently took it down and has been sitting empty. All the koi in the pond are eating and they seem happy. But when I took these three out I've noticed they have red...
  14. R

    koi pond mates

    i'm planning to add some new fish for my koi pond. are the following fish suitable for a koi pond? all of my koi are big - bala shark - clown knifefish - black ghost knifefish - ID shark - Flagtail fish - Giant gourami - Oscar - Rainbow shark - Freshwater stingray
  15. A

    What should I get

    I have a 15000 indoor pond with one American paddlefish 5 oscars and a redtail does anyone know some cool fish that I could get for it I was looking into a bowfin or a musky or larger type of pike or maybe an emperor cichlid if I can find one for sale
  16. A

    Question about alligator gar

    Is anyone aware of the laws concerning captive bred alligator gar and being kept as pets in Florida or what kinds of licenses I need I have been working with fish for ten years now and monster fish for 7 I’m looking for one to put in a 15000 gal pond with some oscars ,one red tail and a paddle fish
  17. H

    Koi question

    So I'm setting up a new plywood pond in my garage I'm going to insulate it with a 2x4 brace. And then I'm going to plywood over that and probably put another thin sheet of insulation. Then the walls as well, I'm going to have so much scrap plywood by the dimensions of my pond I'm just going to...
  18. H

    Can I get your opinion on above ground pound.

    So I live in Northeast Ohio where it gets pretty cold, typically it stays in the '30s but it can get in the teens. What are your thoughts about keeping above ground insulated plywood pond in my garage?
  19. M

    Want to Buy Sturgeon

    Looking for sterlet sturgeon for my pond. Looking for normal black sturgeon don’t want the albino unless they are free. I am also looking for stellate/starry sturgeon as well.
  20. Ockis27

    For Sale 240 gallon acrylic with stand and 150 gallon pond

    Hey everyone, I've got a tank with stand and pond that I am no longer using. The 240gal is 8x2x2. The stand is in good condition. The tank has 2 repairs on it, one of the top and one on the bottom. Both have been repaired and bonded, zero issue with leaks from the repairs, the tanks was up...