
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. MitchGlitch23

    300 gal pond stocking

    Will a silver arowana, school of tinfoil barbs and a Lima shovelnose catfish work together? (or any other suggestions lmk)
  2. The Masked Shadow

    It’s finally happening, but it’s actually happening

    So excited for this. I’m building a pond that should be 8-12 feet long. It will be oval-ish, and around 5-7 feet wide. It will be 3-4 feet deep. We’ve Decided to do pond liner, and you can’t convince me out of it (sorry). We will do a double layer, just in case it does leak. We are building a...
  3. S

    Pond fish to go with Koi

    Hi guys, I am looking for suitable partner suggestions for my small koi pond - around 1000 gallon and 8ft x4 ft , weather is temperate in Southern California with occasional 50’s Any experienced pond owners who can share tips ?
  4. xenacanth9

    Pond recommendations

    I'm setting up a ~1500G pond that I'm planning on adding fish to come summertime. Dimensions are approx. 10' long, 6.5' wide, and 3' deep, and I am planning on setting up a filter anywhere from 6000-9000GPH. This is my first real pond. Coldwater/temperate. I have some ideas, but wouldn't mind...
  5. F

    For Sale Arapaima FS 91335

    Arapaima I’m looking to rehome he’s big about 2 ft and eats a lot. Located in Reseda. I’ve had him for a few weeks. Willing to possibly trade but would rather sell. 300
  6. Billyboy283

    For Trade 1000 gallon Stock tank

    For sale or will trade for larger tank. 9 feet around 1000 gallons used as pool 2 seasons
  7. xenacanth9

    Advice on Longnose Gar

    I've been working on a (coldwater/temperate) pond. I'd say that by the time I'm done digging out the width, it'll be at least 1000 gallons. Now, that brings me to my next point. I've been thinking about catching one or two Longnose Gars for it at some point in the relatively near future, because...
  8. xenacanth9

    Arapaima advice

    I know, I know, I'm sure hundreds of people ask this every day, but I am contemplating building a pond. Most likely coldwater or temperate, but I might consider tropical if I can meet the following requirements. 1. What is the minimum size (LxWxH) for a full-grown arapaima? (Fish will likely...
  9. K

    For Sale 20 inch Yamabuki Ogon Koi

    Hey, so i have this yellow koi fish for about 2 years now but he has out grown THREE tanks, He is now in a 75 gal tank and he can barely turn. I am looking for some one to take him off my hands or might consider building a pond. But I am located in New York and it very cold out doors. I am open...
  10. Polypterus_36

    The cheapest and most effective way of heating a large predatory catfish pond?

    I live in Florida where it can get into the 30-33 degree range (rarely), but it normally stays around 50-65 in the winter. I have a 12-15k gallon pond that I want to heat for some tropical catfish. I looked into some heaters that took up loads of electricity, and they were very expensive. What...
  11. spencer0t

    Mbuna eating lily?

    Will mbunas in a pond eat my lily pads?
  12. spencer0t

    Saltwater pond?

    Was feeding my fish at my other ponds and thought about building a saltwater pond is then even possible to do outdoors?
  13. Polypterus_36

    My 20,000 Gallon Koi Pond DIY

    Hello! This is a project that I have been working on for the past few months, and I am now finally making a dedicated thread on it. I have an older style pool that I have decided to convert into a koi pond. The pool is 32.5 feet by 14.5 feet by approximately 6 feet (LxWxH). This equates to a...
  14. Jacob92677

    For Sale Large container for pond or sump

    Hey guys I’m finally giving up on the hopes of building a sump out of this and have decided to put it up for sale and clear up clutter in the garage It’s a food grade container that could be used as a garage pond or as a xl sump with tons of options to fill with media and grow outs it’s been...
  15. C


    We just bought a home with over 300 koi in the pool have no clue what to do with them any advice ?
  16. S

    For Sale 12" butterfly domestic koi for sale

    Hello everyone! I've had koi fish for a few years now and moved back to the valley in AZ. I was going to build a koi pond in the backyard, but with how hot, sunny, and little space we have, I've decided to sell him instead. Price is $50 and must go to a home with a pond. Pm me for more details...
  17. S

    For Sale Large koi for sale in Ontario, Ca

    location: Ontario My grandmother is selling her house and can not take the koi and the large goldfish with her. Her pond is located in the Ontario area. The filtering system includes a Laguna clear flow 4000 with UV that feeds into a water fall buckets full of lava rock, followed by two large...
  18. aes1687

    Well Well Well water Nitrates!!

    Hello from Indonesia MFK. Here in Indonesia, the culture of checking water parameters are not really there. The common knowledge is just to do regular water changes and filter cleanings, and your fish will be fine. And growing up, that was exactly what my Dad did. We have over 10 years of fish...
  19. J

    Submersible Heaters and Pond Liners

    I recently built an indoor plywood pond. I was trying to figure how to use my submersible heaters without burning the pond liner. I have heater covers, but didnt know if that would be enough
  20. P

    My juvenile longnose gar lives in a pond. How do I know if it is eating its feeder fish?

    I bought a juvenile longnose gar a couple of weeks ago. I bought it at a size of 8-9 inches long. Although it has probably grown a little bit since then, any growth isn't that discernible yet. It lives in an outdoor pond of roughly 1000-1200 gallons in volume along with a three medium sized...