predator fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Pufferkeeper


    Female cross river puffer for sale she is about 10inches long. she was with my male In hopes of breeding them but I just don't have the time anymore for it. they got along fine, she has been socialized with other fish. so im selling her, 750 shipped anywhere in the USA.
  2. R

    koi pond mates

    i'm planning to add some new fish for my koi pond. are the following fish suitable for a koi pond? all of my koi are big - bala shark - clown knifefish - black ghost knifefish - ID shark - Flagtail fish - Giant gourami - Oscar - Rainbow shark - Freshwater stingray
  3. A

    My 38cm Hoplias Curupira - a wolf fish with great personality

    This is my very 1st post with attached photos. Here are my picture of my 2 years old Hoplias Curupira, i bought him when he was 12cm and now he is 38cm. He grows so well eating frozen shrimps, catfish fillets, squids. He never eats too full. And never be in bad tempered when hungry. If he is...
  4. H


    Is there a south Mississippi aquarium club?
  5. D

    Top View Predator

    In a pond or a floor level aquarium what predator would look great from above. Something like a koi, which arguably looks better from top view rather then side view.
  6. R

    Need advices :)

    I'm planning on having my 14cm Channa YS be tankmates with my 8cm Oscar, and maybe add a Brushmouth Pleco and 2 Kaviat Albino fishes. Is that a good idea? Since i know Channa and Oscar are agressive fishes, so if there are any advice, it will be very much appreciated, before I might do a wrong...
  7. H

    1800 gallon DIY marine predator aquarium is done! Predator Bay is LIVE!

    Predator Bay is LIVE! Four months of hard work and the DIY 1800 gallon marine predator aquarium is running! Sharks, Rays & Friends are enjoying their new home. :)
  8. Benthebassmaster

    Pike cichlid in a 40 gallon tank.

    Is there a type of pike cichlid that is good for a 40 gallon tank. I think dwarf pikes are cool but they are pretty small and I was wondering if there was another pike that could be in a 40 breeder. So what would be a type of pike for a 40 breeder.
  9. Benthebassmaster

    Predators for a 40 gallon tank

    I am getting a 40 gallon tank and I never had a predator tank so i want to try it. I do have a Endler breeding tank so if I have to I could use them but I would not do that unless it is needed. What could be fish that I could put in it
  10. Benthebassmaster

    Predator fish for a 10 gallon aquarium

    whst Is a fish that would eat live Minnows and could be in a 10 gallon tank. What would Ben the best option.
  11. N

    20 gallon long "mini monster" stocking

    Hello, I currently have a 20 gallon long "mini monster" community, the tank holds 9 tiger barbs and 2 dwarf gouramis, the dwarf gouramis are a pair and the tiger barbs get along well with the gouramis, the tank is also short term and it gets 50% water changes every week, I am looking for another...
  12. Benthebassmaster

    Predators for a 40 gallon tank

    I am thinking about getting a 40 gallon tank. I want a single predator fish or a single one with bigger schooling fish. Erythrinus erythrinus/red wolf fish/rainbow wolf fish are ilegal in Florida so I can’t keep one
  13. N

    Best nano predator?

    Hello! I am new to this forum and have been researching in other forums and articles to determine stocking choices for my 20 gallon long it is currently stocked with tiger barbs but it will only last for a couple more months, so I am deciding for my second stocking decision in my 20 gallon long...
  14. m_sol

    For Sale Freshwater fish for sale

    I have a 5 inch humpback puffer for sale
  15. C

    And I thought Dovii and Flowerhorns were unstoppable!?!

    Sad videos, but really shows what can happen if a Piranha and cichlid ever fought for territories! Frightening, I worry the Flowerhorn is blind, did it's eye get bit?? Poor dovii too. How often do you think this happens in the wild? I always thought dovii's and Amphilophus are top dogs of the...
  16. C

    Want to Buy Exotic predators In cali

    Looking for exotic predators. Prefer 6-12 inch and more rare the better. Thanks
  17. GraveyardHound

    Transporting Arowana

    Hi There! I am currently in the process of moving, and that includes my entire collection of fish and reptiles. It is about an 8 hour drive from point A to point B. I have everything mostly figures out. My LFS has kindly offered to fill my bags of fish with oxygen before I leave. However, I...
  18. P

    300 gallon filtration

    Hello fellow addicts , I have a 300 gallon aquarium in storage and I’m trying to brainstorm some seriously overpowered filtration, obviously planning a sump but I was hoping you fine people could help me out as I’ve never had one , what can you recommend for pumps, builds and, setups. This will...
  19. Ricardo quezada


    I bought a Asian redtail catfish (black body with redtail) from my LFS and didn’t notice it untit two month later that it has no eyes. I don’t know if it’s a miss identification by the store. I call them and asked if this is normal and they said no that all of their red tails have eyes and this...
  20. P

    Oddball tank

    Hey guys just looking for some pointers, I was thinking of trying my luck with adding an emperor or oscillated snakehead to my odd ball tank of assorted bichirs gar and fire eels and was wondering if anyone on here has had any experience with them in a large oddball community and if so what...