predator fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Z

    FS GOLDEN DORADO 8" $125 Saint Paul, Minnesota

    I have a 8" golden dorado for sale. Pellet trained and good colors showing. $125 pick up only. Text me at 6513360360
  2. M

    Micro Piscivores

    I'm going to be starting a Neolamprologus multifasciatus species tank in a 10 gallon, and it sounds like I'll be having a "too many fry" problem pretty soon. This got me thinking about keeping small piscivores to feed the extra fry too. This seems like a funny website to ask this on, but what...
  3. ItsFishMoney

    80GAL Tank Build

    Hey friends. New member posting my predator tank build progress as it comes along. So far I have acquired and 80GAL tank that I have stripped and am going to reseal in next few days. I have also purchased a Fluval 406 filter with year supply of media. Icecap 3K Gyre flow for water circulation. I...
  4. F

    Potamotrygon scobina hybrid

    Do scobinas crossbreed with other ray species like black diamond or p14? Im searching like forever but i cant find anything...
  5. S

    I need help!!!

    Hello anyone reading this. I have a 38 gallon fish tank. I have an Electric Blue Acara, vesentrus Cichlid, Peacock Cichlid, and a bristlenose pleco and they're all peaceful. However I'm looking for more of a predator fish, or even a catfish. However I've been researching for the past week and I...
  6. R

    Small predators

    I'm looking for any small predator,once it eats small feeders i'm happy and if you could include minimum tank size that would be great
  7. RocketGarStar

    Michigan WolfFish Sellers

    Is there anywhere in MI where I can get a nice, baby WolfFish? Preferably the red kind, those look very pretty and cute. I'm planning to plop one (or 2) in my 75. Where can I get one, and do they get along with others of the same species? Thanks!
  8. E

    Stingray in 180

    hey guys, I just picked up a 180 gallon that was previously saltwater, but i’m going to deep clean and get it up and running in a few months. I’m wanting to get a stingray and have been doing research and will continues to research until I get it. I’ve found the 2 possible species I could get...
  9. Miks786

    Wallago with gulper opinion?

    Hey guys So recently I have spend the past year hunting for a gulper catfish here in South Africa...Today my lfs called me to say that they have them now I recently got a small wallago catfish...Can I keep my wallago with the 2 gulpers or is it not advised? Wallago catfish is also not easy...
  10. Jacob._.merc

    What is this fish?

    Hey guys I just bought what I think is a Malawi eye biter. It was sold under dimidiochromis compressiceps but it looks nothing like how I've seen them or kept them. Could this be a different species or am I mistaken? He is also missing an eye. Kinda ironic haha.
  11. C

    confusion in determining the sex of cichla kelberi

    forget about it
  12. C

    I need help with my Payara barracuda

    Im in need of some help with my payara. I haven't seen him eat, been about a week since I've gotten him. It might be eating at night but I'm not 100% sure. Also when I got him from work today he has something wrong with his nose. Like a white spot or something as you seen in the picture. Any...
  13. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Channa Asiatica info?

    I've seen a 14 inch Channa asiatica for £80 I have a spare 75gallon empty atm just wondering what there care is like and temperature thanks
  14. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Striata snakehead info?

    Wondering if anyone can give me info on striata snakehead I've seen a 5inch albino for sale would it be OK with: Mala wolffish 4inch Peacock bass 3inch Tyre track eel 7inch Marbled sleeper goby 4inch Indo datnoid 2.5inch Thanks
  15. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Let's see your monster fish HERE ARE MINE

    Let's have a look I'll start it off srry for the crappie pics
  16. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Marbled sleeper goby care

    Name- marbled sleeper goby Size- up to 65cm (26inches) though 45cm (18inches) more usual Temperature-24-28degrees celsius Minimum tank size- 200 gallons Diet- not fussy, piscivore The marbled sleeper goby is the largest goby in its genus growing up to 65 cm making it suitable for very large...
  17. noandryano

    real snow gar

    hi guys, please meet my nice snowy" aligator gar now size already 8 inches.. i'm sure it will growing nice & nicer.. do you have any snow gar or any snow fish ? please share yours here..
  18. R

    My African Butterfly fish's fins are falling off after he jumped out of tank.

    So I went to bed last night around 11pm and woke up at 2am to see my ABF on the floor, I don't know how long he had been there but when I picked him up he moved slightly so i put him straight back in the tank. He seemed to start recovering and breathe well. This morning I woke up and he is doing...
  19. H

    150g predator comm water debris

    Hey guys, this is my first post here. I have a 150g predator comm tank with a couple of oscars, a green arowana, a cichla, a giant gourami, florida gar and a tyretrack eel. I do about 30-40% water changes daily and have noticed that my fish are healthy and have a bigger appetite. But the problem...
  20. T

    For Sale 8" Vitatus African Tiger Fish

    Selling my vitatus tigerfish as it is beating up on my other vitatus and goliath. He's approximately 8", very healthy and find colors are coming in very well. Sellomg for 250 OBO.... Would rather trade for another Vitatus or Goliath; my also be interested in rare fancy plecos.