
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. AquaScape


    We have a nice assortment of Catfish between uncommon, rare, and smaller species " ** RED TEXT ** " = VERY LIMITED QUANTITY ** 5"-6" Sturio(Sturgeon) Catfish(Platystomatichthys sturio) $125.00 Ea. ** 2.5"-3" Aluminum Catfish(Chrysichthys aluuensis)...
  2. AG458

    Is this...rare?

    So I stopped by a Bass Pro Shops recently and viewed their giant freshwater tank. There were largemouth basses, smallmouth basses, sunfish, crappie, and channel cats. One channel catfish, however, was white. Attached are some very bad phone pictures of the catfish next to another normal looking...
  3. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    Whats your favorite Pleco species?

    Post up your pics below of your favorite Pleco species!:D My favorite being the L025 Red scarlet pleco (Pseudacanthicus) I have yet to come across one but is on my bucket list for sure. (Photo below is not mine, not my credit.)
  4. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    BOLT CATFISH (Aguarunichthys torosus)

    Just found this species on planet catfish, anyone one here keeping one or seen one up for sale anywhere?
  5. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    BOLT CATFISH (Aguarunichthys torosus)

    Just found this species on planet catfish, anyone one here keeping one or seen one up for sale anywhere?
  6. J

    Help me chose rare plants to tissue culture!

    At my LFS, we are partnering with a very smart individual who has much experience tissue culturing plants. I need your help increasing my list of rare plants we can tissue culture. In turn, I can try to sell some of the tissue cultured plants for less than the average going price. We are looking...
  7. AG458

    Is this uncommon?

    My new indo dat has seven stripes on one side, and five and a half stripes on the other. @krichardson pointed this out, and I've been wondering ever since. I've attached pics for you all to see. What do you think?
  8. B

    FTS | Albino Red Belly Pacu | $250$ - 350$ | Los Angeles, California | Picking-Shipping

    What type of listing is this?: FTS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: Albino Red Belly Pacu What are your prices?: 250$ - 350$ Where are you located?: Los Angeles, California Pickup or Able to Ship?: Picking-Shipping Description: 16'' Albino Red Belly Pacu. Serious Buyer Only. Eats...
  9. Narwhal

    Sulewesi Shrimp and inverts

    These are spectacular looking. I was wondering how well they would do in my tapwater with has a pH of 7.5, KH of 120, and GH of 200. I know they like high ph, but I have read the trick is to have very soft water. Would water conditioner help, or would RO water and crushed coral be the way to go...
  10. Narwhal

    Where to find Pundamillia nyererei Mwanza Gulf

    Hello I am looking for a male Pundamillia nyererei of the Mwanza Gulf variety. I was wondering if their was someone or a good place that has them?
  11. Narwhal

    Where did all the Bamboo Shrimp go?

    A few years ago, Atyopsis moluccensis where at most pet stores I went in, I haven't seen one for a while now. Does anyone know why? You can find them online, but they disappeared from the stores.
  12. GamerChick5567

    Craigslist lucky haul... ex Chichlasoma Atromaculatus and more!

    Welp. I dun did it. Picked these up after getting angry at the ad. PREPARE FOR A MASSIVE POST. I put it in chunks with the asterisks. I'm real tired and have been editing this post half awake with my brain being fried so I hope this turns out good lol. I will probably update this thread often...
  13. F

    5/27/16 New Stock update !!

    We open on Memorial Day, Normal business hours from 10am-8pm. 12" Blue Eyed pleco $399 (SP) 2.5-3" Baby Blue arowana $45 (mention MFK when check out) 2-2.5" High Fin flag tail $25 (limited) 5" Vittitus Tiger fish $80 8" Clown Loach $200 (SP) 5" Nile Perch $100 6" Fahaka puffer $80 7-8" Sierra...
  14. RussWhite47

    King and Queen Cichlids talks NJAS 2016 Auction!!!

  15. christopher shivdat

    11-12 inch tigrinus need to sell quick 400$

    Hi in selling one of my tigs I he is eating live black worms/smelt fish and occasionally massivore pellets 400$ for s 11-12 ihch tigrinus
  16. Jdreal21

    Mesoheros Ornatum

    Just got a group of 7 wilds 3-4.5 inches hard to find info on them I have a overall idea of keeping them but any input would be appreciated here is a pic of them on the first day