red terror

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. raja

    What makes a kind kamfa?

    I came across this image in Google, it was listed as king kamfa. I fell in love with it immediately but I couldn't find anything like this at any of my lfs, so I planned on breeding it myself. Now to me it looks like a cross between a vieja synspilum x Festae cichlid, and some line breeding...
  2. raja

    Flowerhorn_male x Festae (red terror) _female

    Has anyone ever bred a good quality zz (red dragon) flowerhorn with festae(bright red colored one's) If so, how do the offsprings look? Post pictures as well. My friend is giving me a female festae, it's has crazy coloration and I'm planning on breeding it with my red dragon male, so any...
  3. B

    Cichlid Compatibility in 120G (JackD, GT/RT, Geo, Pictus, Bichir)

    Hello everyone, I'm looking to make an upgrade to approx 120G tank (48x30x24) I was hoping if I could get an idea of the type of cichlids I could keep in this setup. Iv got a few in mind which I am fond of, but am not sure if its worth risking if they will kill each other. Of course I...
  4. B

    Pairing festae

    I recently acquired 7 WC festae that were between 3 and 4 inches. Over the past month they've all grown anywhere from one half to an inch in length. (Thought they were slow growers but I'm pleasantly surprised). Anyways they are starting to show some adult coloring and I appear to have 4 females...
  5. spencer0t

    Pair of cichlids

    are there any aggressive south/Central American cichlid pair that I can house in a 75 gallon
  6. M

    Growth rate

    I want to know the growth rate for several South/ Central American cichlids? for instance Red Terror black nasty dovii jaguar cichlid. I have a 10 inch male Texas cichlid who is about 2 years old. I have a male Midas or Red Devil about 8 or 9 inches and he's two and a half years old I have a...
  7. joegriggs

    Festae Cichlid Progression Thread

    Here's a picture of one of my Red Terror grow outs, a real stunner considering he's only just pushing over 3.5" and showing the majority of his colors already. He has been kept in a tank with a more dominant RTM and a smaller Texas recently, so the colors would normally be much brighter...
  8. JF Sirois

    Festae in mtl canada

    Hey, I was looking to get some festaes, preferably f1 or f2 but i didn't want to pay tons of money for shipping. I live in montreal canada and i was wondering if anyone knew about a place i could buy some or somebody who breeds them near by. Size doesn't matter, i can get them pretty small...
  9. cinderellaterra

    Breeding Festae

    I have recently purchased 4 terrors in the hope of getting a female out of it, they are currently in an 8ft display tank. I really have a liking for this cichlid and would like to have a crack at breeding them. I have a 4ft in the garage and was wondering if anyone who has bred them could chime...
  10. RampageRR

    FS | Festae fry - entire group for sale | $60 | Martinsburg, WV 25401 | Pickup

    Looking to sell my group of approximately 30-35 festae fry (1/4-1/2 an inch or so, a little over a month old). My pair just spawned again, and I'm afraid they're going to clean their first batch out before the new one hatches if my experience with other cichlids holds true. I'm in Martinsburg...
  11. NotablySardonic

    Red Terror Eating Disorder.

    Hello, all. New to the forum, hopefully you guys can help me get some resolve with my issues. Let me set it up for ya As the title suggests, I have rescued a small red terror from an unaware friend who had it in a community tank. It was around an inch when i got it and now it's around 2 1/2...
  12. L.Z.

    Red Terror (Festae) Cichlid

    Selling my Red Terror! Need to get rid of my Red Terror Female, beautiful colors! 5 inches long!
  13. cichlidsickness

    Festae Pair - Stomper x Lucille

    Just thought I'd post some pics of my festae pair today. The female is Lucille and the male is Stomper. I've raised Lucille since she was just an egg from my first pair I no longer have. I got Stomper at my local fish store at about and inch in length. She is about 7 inches and he is about...
  14. C

    Trading 5'' Flowerhorn for Young Cichlasoma Festae Group|Natick, MA|Pickup Only

    Hi I have a 5 inch Flowerhorn that I would like to trade for some Cichlasoma Festae (preferably a young pair or a group of young fish). I bought this fish off a guy a few months back and he said that the fish was around 6 months old. Let me know if you are interested and we can pick a place to meet.