• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. H

    what is a good prefilter for a aquaclear 110 to keep sand out?

    I am switching my tank from gravel to sand and i have 2 aquaclear 110s running in it. I am looking for a good prefilter for my filter that will keep sand out them but am having a hard time finding one. So if anyone has any suggestions that would be great.
  2. xDestro

    Getting gulpers! Few tank questions

    I had to pull the trigger and order 2 gulpers from my LFS before the tank was %100 setup. I couldn't let them get away again. The tank. •the 55 gallon tank has been up and running for around 8 months now, originally on a canister and a sponge filter but canister **** out and now it's on 2...
  3. K

    Red Garnet users

    Who has the hookup on Red Garnet Sand? I want some for my tanks, but only garnet I could find is a 30/60 grain which is pretty fine and very pale red, almost pinkish/purple. Where can I get some of the darker red, denser garnet from?
  4. Narwhal

    Switching Gravel for Sand

    I have a tank with bright red gravel in with African Cichlids, and I would like to replace it with sand. Can I just replace the substrate or do I have to re-cycle the tank? Are the bio-loaded freshwater live sands (like...
  5. Jakec96

    Salt water substrate in African cichlid aquarium

    I recently bought a used 55 gallon from someone that I want to use as a grow out tank for mbuna African cichlids. The tank was previously a salt water aquarium. I was wondering if I could use the sand that it came with in an African cichlid setup or do i have to buy a new substrate. I'm not sure...
  6. P

    Anyone ever used this??

    Has anyone ever used HTH Pool Filter Sand? How'd it work? Any problems?
  7. F

    Freshwater Puffer Tank Cleaning

    I am planning on purchasing a Miurus Puffer (Congo Puffer). I have other fish such as oscars so I know how to do general cleaning. My question is should I be worried about my puffer biting me while cleaning the tank. I really don't want bit. Will it bite me and if so how do I fix this?
  8. S

    Painting with Sand

    Hello Guys, I want to do a foam background in one of my aquariums. Many of the DIY foam backgrounds use quickcrete to provide the rock like finish. I want to do a sandstone finish, and Id really rather use actual sand instead of light brown cement. My idea is this: 1. Make a foam background 2...
  9. viper0397

    Relavance of substrate.

    My question is to have substrate or not? I have seen so many pictures of either or. Pro's and Con's of both would be much appreciated. I personally have one of each. The one with substrate has just enough to slightly cover the bottom. My rays bunch it up and make it useful for them...
  10. Bubbles_n_worms

    150g need ideas :)

    Hey folks! I am the proud new owner of a gorgeous 150g! In keeping with my freshwater fanaticism, i'm looking for ideas, pictures, or items. I have so many ideas floating around in my head it's hard for me to figure out what's going to work. I'll start out by saying that I love the look of...
  11. A

    Sand Question

    Hey guys, I'm relatively new in the stingray hobby and was wondering if sand changes any of my waters parameters besides the obvious cloudy water. And also if it is safe to add to an already up and running aquatium with rays already in the tank. Of course I was gonna rinse the sand like a mad...