
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. xDestro

    Airation question

    I just installed a corner matten filter in my 20 long and I plan to have a air stone behind the sponge, would that provide the water outside the sponge with air? Or would I need an air stone outside the filter?
  2. xDestro

    Natural substrate sand

    I'm looking for a natural looking kinda multicolored sand. Steenfott aquatics uses basically what I'm looking for in this vid at around 1 min in, But unfortunately that's not available where I am so online would be my best bet. Links would be appreciated :)
  3. xDestro

    Corner filter

    Recently saw this vid and loved how to filter basically disappeared. I have a 20 long and want to do the exact same so my main question is could I put some bio balls behind it? That way I could just use some from my other filters and cycle instantly, maybe add a small air stone underneath the...
  4. M@T!@$

    Living Room Tank

    So here's what's happening. My parents agreed to have one tank in the living room, to replace the tv :P. Now the deal I have with them is "It's gotta look nice" Now what should the tank be. Space is 106" long X 32 inches wide. Length wise I'd like to top 8' max for the length of tank and Max...
  5. T

    Better tank size?

    Buying a tank tomorrow, need help. Better buy? 6 x 2 x 2 (all in feet) 6 (length) x 2 (width) x 2.5 (height)
  6. D

    Foam Art Board for bottom of tank

    Quick question: I'm setting up a Mbuna tank and I'm worried about pressure points when I put all the rocks in. I have read on here about using styrofoam underneath the rocks and substrate (which will be PFS) on the inside of the tank. The only goal is to make sure I don't create pressure points...
  7. D

    I'm New: Please Help Me Stock and Setup My Tank

    I owned a 10 gallon a while ago and got the gist of maintaining aquariums, but never moved onto some of the more moderate-advanced fish. I stalked it with a Pepper Cat, 2 Rainbow Shark, and a few Black Mollies and Sword-tails only to have the Rainbow Sharks bully the Mollies and Sword-tails to...
  8. xDestro

    Re-scaping a tank?

    What the best way to redo the decor in your tank with minimum fish and bacteria loss? Is it best to put fish in bucket? Or lower water enough to do what you wanna do? I have a pretty heavily stocked 55g and I want to change the gravel to a course sand which will help my corys and loaches but...
  9. xDestro

    Very course sand

    I want to go with a sandy bottom look in my 75 but don't sand that's very fine, any suggestions? Black would be my preferd color but it doesn't matter to much.
  10. xDestro

    Almost fill time

    I'm planning on filling my 55 gallon tank up tomorrow after a quick trip to LFS, I already have prime to make my tap water safe, but I'll be picking up a master test kit, api quick start, stress coat, and ammo lock. I plan on using quick start to start my cycle until I get a few baby tetras from...
  11. xDestro

    Tetra whisper 100 gallon

    I just ordered the tetra whisper 100 for my 55 gallon, my plan is to use it on a 60 gal sponge filter and a 4 inch air disk. The easiest place for me to put the pump is on the floor on my stand so I'll have roughly 6 ft of tubing going up the back and down into the tank for each piece. Is this...
  12. F

    125g Stock Ideas Help!

    Hello I recently picked up a 125gallon and need help with stock ideas. I definelty want a poly but I'm not sure what kind. I don't want to upgrade too too much most likely nothing more than another 100 gallons. So I don't want anything that gets CRAZY huge but I do want one that will reach a...
  13. OtterSocks

    90 gallon stocking/setup suggestions anyone?

    Hey guys, I'm new here as of today. I am going to be buying a 90 gallon tank soon, upgrading from my biggest tank being 25 gallon. Naturally I am hoping to get into keeping some monster fish. I filled out my bio with some info about my past experience if you're interested. I am hoping I could...
  14. PatrickMW36

    DIY setup ( thoughts and opinions)

    Ive been thinking a lot about what type of setup I want to make. The 3 options Ive been looking into all have pros and cons. Acrylic tank,Plywood tank and Indoor pond. My plan is to build one of them with approx dimensions of 3.5 W 5.5 L 1.7 H ( ft ) this would be about 245 gal. My dad does...
  15. PatrickMW36

    PICKEREL TANK (Plant Info)

    I'm a beginner when it comes to keeping live aquarium plants. I'm setting up a new tank to house some Redfin Pickerel. I want to add a good amount of live plants. What are some good US native plants or plants who do well in that environment that are easy to take care of ? Also I live in Illinois...
  16. R

    265 finished (mostly)

    Picked up a 265 a few months back for 400 bucks due to a leaky seal. After resealing it and months of selecting what fish and what kind of setup I want to run I am finally about complete. Fish are in it and they are happy but I am still fine tuning for the next few weeks. Guess I should list...
  17. HardBodyBullies1

    Suggestions on new tank setup

    How's it going MFK. I just set up a new 40 breeder, and getting a few fish from Thailand in a few days. Im looking for any good suggestions on wht to do to make sure my water chemistry is right in a short time frame. I've only used Prime and now I'm using Fluval Cylce concentrated biological...
  18. R

    Reverse osmosis and 3 channel doser

    Ok my buddy is getting rid of a lot of fish equipment and he is willing to cut me a deal on his ro unit and 3 channel doser as well. As i am just getting into the larger tanks and attempting to step out of the complete amateur department, would these be worth it to have for my Freshwater tank...
  19. mapledalemolossers

    Filter media Inside Overflow

    Has anyone considered increasing your filter surface area by installing media of some kind in your overflow? I just setup my new aquarium and feel that the space is wasted. I measured out about 4 gallons in each overflow box. Seems like I could put a couple of gallons of 10ppm sponge in there...
  20. Covetous

    Tank choices.

    I'm looking into getting a new tank. I'm looking at a 100g,120g, or a 125g. My main question is, is acrylic worth the money? I can get a tank and stand for around 600 new in glass. Or I can spend about 850-900 to get just the tank in acrylic. A "clear for life" tank. But then I'd have to make...