silver arowana

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. H

    Silver arowana bloating but eating fine

    Hi everyone. I need some suggestions regarding my silver arowana health. Since 4-5 days my silver arowana's stomach started buling. It is gradually progressive. I am changing its water routinely(50% per week). She is eating fine is active. But i m worried about this bulge Anyone knows what is...
  2. E


    I have 2 oscars 13cm and the other about 9cm and 2 green terror both are same size 10cm, one commin pleco 8cm i was thinking of buying a silver arowana Tank size 428 L Can i keep a silver arowna with them ?
  3. Whoisjaime

    Arowana Ratings

    I wanted to see what everyone thought of my Arowana. Super curious to see how he/she stacks up compared to other Silver Arowanas out there. As well we wanted to see if there’s any recommendations to help in anything that may be lacking. Thank you in advance!
  4. P

    Looking for input on tank setup

    I plan on getting a 200 gallon tank in the near future and I was wondering if my plan for the fish is overly optimistic or not. I want to get a silver arowana, a giant gourami, 3 oscar, 5-10 silver dollars, and a common pleco. I was planning on getting 2 fluval fx6's. I appreciate any and all...
  5. I

    For Sale hybrid rtc, clown knife, albino oscar, tiger oscar, red devil, african odoe pike, silver arowana, needle nose gar

    TSN x RTC 12-14”: $100 clown knife 14”: $100 tiger oscar 8”: $40 albino red oscar 8”: $50 red devil 5-6”: $40 african odoe pike 5”: $150 needle nose gar 6”: $75 silver arowana 4”: $100 lima shovel nose 6”: $60 text me for pics and fast response (510)798-2907
  6. D

    Arowana tail split

    My Silver arowana size 19 cm jumped from a height of 1.75 m height and fell to the ground while i was changing its aquarium lights. After i put him back and obseve him for 15 min he seem to be fine, almost no external injuries except that his tail fin was split in two, swims perfectly fine...
  7. C

    For Sale Arowana and 2 Kelberi Bass

    24 inch silver arowana -24 inches 2 kelberi bass - 12 inches Reducing stock Pellet trained. Will eat anything you feed them.
  8. T


    Located in Kentucky anything 2ft plus
  9. B

    Tank mates for silver arowana

    I've got a 4foot by 3foot tank with a silver arowana about 10 inch maybe a little more and a black ghost knife fish about 11inch and a common pleco I'd like some fish to stir up my sand substrate alittle more but obviously can't add Corydora as my arowana will eat them any ideas appreciated its...
  10. D

    For Sale Pair of 20-23” Albino Silver Arowanas

    One is around 22-23” and the other is around 20-21”. No drop eye. Both are pellet trained but will smash anything you throw in the tank. (Shrimp, smelt, tilapia, fillets). Must sell together. Located in South Windsor, CT. Pick up only. If interested text me at 860-281-1446.
  11. J

    Jardini Arowana Growth Rate

    Can anyone tell me how fast a Jardini is supposed to grow? Does it grow slower than the Asians? I know it grows slower than the silver. I want to make sure that I am providing it with enough food to ensure proper growth.
  12. Shape of Water

    For Sale Silver Arowana For Sale

    My 2.5 foot Silver Arowana is growing out of my tank. I hope that I can find a forever home for him. He has drop eyes on both eyes. But, they can be easily surgically fixed. He's very healthy and docile, never bothers my stingrays. He has perfect body shape, scales, and fins. I've been feeding...
  13. getmethatgeoplease

    For Sale 16" Silver Arowana

    I've got a 16" Silver Arowana that is need of a good home. Price is at $100 for it but willing to negotiate so he/she finds a home. He/She has drop eye on one side and possibly 1 scale missing on the side. Otherwise healthy, active and eats really well on pellets and frozen food.
  14. H

    My Silver Arowana is scared

    Hey Guys! My name is Humer and i just want a solution for my silver arowana. He is about 12 inches. The problem is everytime when i go near the tank or go to feed him he becomes scared and go sit at the bottom of the tank and sometimes he try to jump as well. It happens everytime and due to...
  15. J

    For Sale Silver Arowana

    Hi I am selling my 20" Silver Arowana for $200 or best offer. The fish is very healthy and has drop eye in only one eye, the other eye is perfect. Reason for selling is my fish has gotten to big and I am unable to get the larger tank I planned on purchasing. Located in Seymour Connecticut
  16. Jjiang00

    Is this fin rot?

    Hi, i introduced some datnoids recently that created an ich outbreak and through treatment with ich-x everybody seems to be getting much better. However, I just saw this on the arowana, who has been eating voraciously 2 times a day until his belly is plump, and am wondering if this is fin rot or...
  17. dnz03dw

    For Sale Wild baby silver Arowana (tiny)

    Got a couple of Wild baby silver arowana I’m asking $18 each. Eating frozen blood worms, some tetra pellets. Super small and cute. Around 2” or less. Shipping is available... Pm me if interested or leave your number.
  18. P

    For Sale Silver arowana

    Where can i sell my silver arowana about 12 inches and how much can i sell for it? I live in nyc area and planning to have albino arowana.. and i hear not good idea to put two arowana in same tank.
  19. mattybecks

    South Amercian Community - newly added drift wood.

    Just added a new piece of drift wood into my aquarium, I was hoping someone would be able to help me identify the type of wood? when I google it there a few different types, but they look the same. I would like to find out how long it will take for the tannins of this particular type to finish...
  20. mattybecks

    New Juvenile Silver Arowana

    Just sharing my newly added silver Arowana. I was returning my tinfoil barbs to the LFS (was planning have a Geo and Oscar only aquarium), and found the lovely huge piece of wood you see in the background. So I bought the wood and got a free silver thrown in haha. (I think for the tinfoils and...