silver arowana

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Serpentine

    Black and Silver Arowanas Together?

    I have a baby black Arowana and was considering adding a silver while they are still small so they grow up accustomed to each other's company. Will that work? They will be in a 400 gallon. Additionally I was going to put some clown loaches and a royal plecostemus in there. I'm pretty sure...
  2. E

    Silver Arowana not swimming and darting

    Hi all, I am brand new to the arowana community and a new proud owner of a very young silver arowana. Just yesterday my wife mentioned to me that my arowana has been acting a little weird. Upon observing my arowana, I saw that it was not swimming at all and just chilling in the corner of the...
  3. Miks786

    Adding a second Silver Arowana

    Hey MFK ;) I currently have a 13 inch silver arowana in a 400 gallon tank and a mate of mine would like to get rid of a 17 inch silver arowana Would they be fine together in the same tank or would it just be a death threat? I have read that a few fights will happen but because of dominance...
  4. dwsdarius

    Can Arowana live in a tank with flow???

    Hello everyone! I just moved my 9 inch silver arowana from my 125g to my 210g (not its final tank) which has a circulation pump at the surface for better oxygen exchange. The flow pushes the arowana around a lot but when I turn off the pump, the arowana and other fish start breathing hard being...
  5. hanyeezy13

    Silver Arowana staying on the bottom of the tank

    Hi Guys! Just got my Arowana 3 days ago. He’s about 8 inches long and is with my 10 inch bichir in a 100 gallon tank. The forst 2 days I got him he was swimming at the top part of the water amd would occasionally swimm at the bottom part if something spooks him out. Today I found him resting on...
  6. K

    Baby arowana hasn't eaten in over 8 days!

    My baby arowana (5 inch) hasn't eaten since I got him last Saturday (4/28). He ate a cricket at the pet store the day I got him and he hasn't eaten since then. I have the water in his aquarium at 78 F. He is in there with a 1.5 inch pacu, 2.5 or 3 inch Oscar, and a 4 or 5 inch clown knife. They...
  7. K

    What do I feed my 5" Arowana?

    I recently bought some fish including a silver arowana (and an Oscar and clown knifefish) and I have found out what to feed the other fish but I haven't got my arowana to eat. I know they feed on the water surface and I am going to get some crickets to feed him on Friday. Does anyone have any...
  8. AG458

    Tank Update!

    I've had my current 60g (long) tank up and running since last summer. Despite my taste for large fish, my current stock is doing very well together. My current stock is as listed below: x1 Common Plecostomus x1 Azul Peacock Bass x1 Polypterus Endlicheri x1 Silver Arowana (Surprise!) Please keep...
  9. A

    Favorite Silver Arowana Tankmates?

    Ok, long-time reader but new member to MFK, so I apologize for any faux pas. I've finally picked up my own silver arowana, under two friggin' inches! I've been eventually planning for one so I've done a fair amount of research (and or course have long-term plans for housing) but the biggest...
  10. K

    My Silver Arowana floating vertically (Head up tail down)

    he is floating head up in the corner. at first he went crazy and was all over the tank, swift and random spiral motions. I feed him pellets, not shrimps. but sometime he eats pellets of my parrot fishes too. overfeeding? he's about 6.5 inches, in a 100-120 ltrs tank. unfortunately about 2 weeks...
  11. F


    So I don't have much time, or so I believe and I'm really freaking out. This has been going on for the whole day now. From since I woke up today I noticed my Dad's Silver Arowana threw up his meal from yesterday. I did a 30% water change yesterday. 55gal tank. Yes I know it was a lot but I've...
  12. J

    Help silver arowana seriously injured

    My juvinile arowanas tail has been completely bitten off anal and dorsal fins nipped and damage to scales aswell had him since saturday been completely fine til i woke up this morning and found him like this what do i do, hes around 4-5" in a tank with a 2" jack dempsey, a 2" electric blue...
  13. Vikkram

    Silver Arowana in community Aquarium

    Dear Monsterfishkeepers, I have below fishes in my 240 gallon aquarium (96 inch length, 24 inch wide, 24 inch height) I am planning to move my 2 feet length Silver Arowana from my 75 gallon (4 feet tank) to my new 240 gallon. Can the Silver Arowana and my current fishes coexist and live...
  14. L

    Is it necessary to cover the top in a pond with silver arowana ?

    I have a 400 gallon (1500 L) pond with two oscars , two tinfoil barbs and a 10" silver arowana . I 've had this arowana for like 2 months and it hasn't try to jump out , yet. it has plenty of room to swim around ( around 3 sqm) and if it want to jump out , it is possible to do so since water is...
  15. A

    Arowana Aquarium size question

    So. I recently got into arowanas. And i started researching aquarium sized. However i live in an area without alot of aquarium activity, Like Theres some 50 ish gallons, But no big ones But anyways, My question is. Could an arowana fit in a 185gal tank? (You post sizes since i might just build...
  16. T

    silver arowana in bad shape?

    hey i bought a baby silver aro very resent from my LFS and i guess he in in very bad shape, his barbels have nicks in them, his tail fin is in bad shape. but i am most worried about his pectoral fin because it has holes. his about. 3 inches would it heal soon??? i dont know if you can see it but...
  17. chihuicahui

    Curvy Arowana

    Hi! We bought our baby arowana a month ago at about 4 inches. He is about 5 inches now. A while ago I noticed a strange curve in his spine and thought it was getting better. But it seems to have gotten worse or at least more noticeable. He is temporarily in a 130 gallon tank with about 15...
  18. chihuicahui

    Arched Arowana

    My baby silver arowana, Tyler, is about 4" long. He's currently in a 125 gallon tank with 15 cories, two twignose catfish, two whiptail catfish, two stripped rafaels, a common pleco, a gold spot butterfly pleco, and now two convict cichlids. A couple people have recently mentioned an arch in...
  19. james t

    tank mates for juvenile silver arowana

    Hey I'm interested to know of suitable tank mates for a juvenile arowana my current tank is 450 UK litres dimensions are 5 ft long 2 ft high 2 ft wide? Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated thanks in advance
  20. P

    Albino Silver Arowana- First Arowana purchase!!!

    Just purchased this 4 inch albino silver Arowana today. This is my first Arowana purchase ever and I'm glad to have been able to find a rather sought after fish.