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silver dollar

  1. F

    Rehabilitating Silver dollars (a make feel-good tale)

    Not enough SILVER DOLLAR talk.... So, In the fall of 2017, I inherited 3 adult silver dollars, estimated to be at least 15 years old at that time (later found to be more like 20 years). This came from a science classroom aquarium at a local school. Although well cared earlier in their life, the...
  2. F

    Metynnis silver dollars and planted tank?

    I don't have the secret or claim to know any better. But my silver dollars (Metynnis spp., 3 different species) don't eat my plants. The tank is 75gallon, relatively heavily planted with several different species of plants: 3 Crypts (Cryptocorybe usteriana, C. affinis and C. sp.), Java fern...
  3. Bluesandtwo

    110G SA Riparium Build

    I wanted to try something new and give a riparium a go. Firstly I wanted something a bit more natural looking with another dimension. Secondly I wanted some greenery but have SD's... so no joy growing anything under the water!! It's all trial and error, early stages. But I wanted to share with...
  4. CMTrey5

    FS | WIDE BAR SILVER DOLLARS aka Myleus schomburgkii

    Selling a group of 8 wide bars. Sizes range from 5-7". All are very healthy and active, always swimming around the tank. 2 of the 8 are wild caught (most colorful ones). If you have any questions TEXT me at 5104322866
  5. mattybecks

    Help on ID for my Metynnis SDs

    Hi Guys, I got a school of 15 silver dollars. The LFS just labelled them as "silver dollars". They all looked the same, not much colour as I believe the poor little guys were obviously stressed being kept in smaller tanks. When I bought them home they were immediately more comfortable, some of...
  6. Iamfish

    Do different species of silver dollar school together

    I was looking into getting some silver dollars for my 125 and was wondering if it was possible to get 1 of a few different species and have them school together. Would it also be possible to just get a group of 3 since they are not going in a huge tank or do I really need to get 5.
  7. A

    Silver Dollar losing black bar color

    One of my black bar silver dollars (emperor blue hook) has been occasionally losing its black bar over the last couple weeks. This is a pic of them last week: And right now: What does this mean? Is he stressed? The water params are ok and they are eating.
  8. S

    Silver dollars fed clippings

    so like the title says, can I feed my silver dollars clippings from my other tanks plants? I have 6 silver dollars in a 180g tank that is just rocks and driftwood because of their notoriety for eating plants. All of my other tanks are very heavily planted however. Usually I just throw my...
  9. E

    Festae Advice

    Hello, I recently acquired these two Festae which are currently divided in a 200G tank going through quarantine (they will remain in this tank for a while). The festae in the first 4 photos I was told was a female, which is what I believe due to the half black dorsal and the lack of spangling. I...
  10. S

    48x30x30 185 Gallon

    Hello everyone, I've been wanting monster fish for quite some time and am finally taking the plunge and getting a "big" tank. Up until this point my biggest tank is a planted 75 gallon angelfish tank so I have no experience with big fish. I've wanted an Oscar since I was 10 and have finally...
  11. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    125g rescape

    Rescaped the 125, silver dollars are getting bigger more open swimming area
  12. Chinnavar

    150 gallon tank, what catfish will fit?

    I recently bought a second hand 6x2x2 tank which is practically brand new for a good price. I wanted to put 2 oscars in it and a small school of spotted SD's. Now I was wondering if there is room for a cool catfish, I was thinking about raphaels or maybe pictus'. But then again I dont know if...
  13. GoldFinger

    Can anyone identify these white spots??

    Just noticed one of my three silver dollars in my Cichlid community tank has a couple tiny round white spots above his mouth. They appear solid white and haven’t noticed anything on any other fish. Parameters are: Temp: 77 F Nitrates: 0 Nitrites: 0 PH: 8 Any idea what it is and how/if I can...
  14. mattybecks

    Oscars and silver dollars

    Hi guys Thought I’d show you my oscars, I am impressed at their rate of growth. The first photo is when I just got them on 5th of October, and the other photos are from last week. Well bigger than my hand now. I got 9 Silver dollars (I love shiny schooling fish, and I needed some fish to...
  15. Cabinetman 1

    Need Advice: Sudden Ammonia Spike

    I just checked water parameters on both my 120 gallon tank with 6 Red Hook Silver dollars and 220 gallon with two peacock bass. The ammonia on the 120g is at 1ppm, nitrites are at 0mgl and the nitrates are at 25mgl. The pH has also dropped from 6-6.5 to 4-4.5. The tank has been established...
  16. MorningStar

    My Update!!!

    Hey everyone, It's been a long minute. Thought I post up a quick video. Enjoy!
  17. K

    Silver Dollar v Plants

    I have 4 silver dollar. they are the most hungry fishes among others. The problem is that I am not able to maintain my plants because of the silver dollar as they are eating all my plants. I feed them algae wafers every day twice but then also they are eating up my plants. I really don't care...
  18. Coco Afable

    ID this fish please. Looks like some sort of a silver dollar?

    hi guys, please help ID this fish. Looks like a silver dollar with yellow fins? Thanks!
  19. Mbielek

    Added 4 small convicts to community cichlid tank, with pictures!

    So today I decided I'm gonna get some more movement for my tank, and I headed up to the store and got these 4 convicts (1 female and 3 male). They are in a 75 gallon fresh water and tank mates include; 2 parrots, one green terror, 3 small silvers. They fit right in and started swimming and...
  20. Mbielek

    Added 4 small convicts to community cichlid tank, with pictures!

    So today I decided I'm gonna get some more movement for my tank, and I headed up to the store and got these 4 convicts (1 female and 3 male). They are in a 75 gallon fresh water and tank mates include; 2 parrots, one green terror, 3 small silvers. They fit right in and started swimming and...