• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


  1. L

    Sexing channa aurantimaculta plz as fast as possible

  2. adamjavaguy

    caught a snakehead

    I shot it with my air riffle and netting it . The fish still alive I put him in my 60 gall tank
  3. S

    Can someone identify this snakehead?

    I boutgth this snakehead for a few moths ago, buy the name Indian violet snakehead. But i dont think it Is, ore maybe the fish have some other name? Can someone give me some info about it and identify it, i posted some pics of the fish.
  4. Hendre

    Help on possible predator fish stocking :P

    Good morning / evening guys and girls of MFK I thought this would be the best forum to go to for stocking ideas for a predatory tank since other forums didn't help much. (this is my first post and i put it in the most logical place on the forum) I am getting a fish tank in 2/3 months and am...
  5. redfish1

    How to grow my Red Snakehead fish fast?

    I have bought 2 Red Snakeheads from a local fish store. I keep them in a natural pond which is 2 meters in diameter and 15+ meters deep.I have 5 Catfishes,2 Giant Gouramis and 2 flying barbs with my new snakeheads.They are just 4 inches and I want to grow them as much as they are grown.I want to...
  6. L

    snakehead id plz is it diplo or micro??

    I want micro so i want to b sure before buying plz suggest me
  7. B

    Largest Fish that can be kept in a 240l (64 us gallon) tank for life?

    Hi guys, as the title says, I am wondering what the largest fish would be that could be kept in a 64 gallon tank for life? I like big fish but obviously this size of tank prohibits the keeping of any true monster fish. I guess anything large would have to be solitary, are we talking maybe a...