
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. T

    Want to Buy Looking for Large Fish

    Looking for Larger Fish for a 8,000 gallon plus Willing to meet or I am able to pickup at airport
  2. Super BD Stingray

    For Sale some p14 stingrays

    6-7 inch p14s 700 each video of p14s text or call 3142233574 you can visit at our page Super BD Stingray
  3. T

    Want to Buy Mature Motoro stingray

  4. Super BD Stingray

    For Sale Aug 9th stingrays shipment

    70 rays total coming in on 9th stock list: pure p14 standard pure black diamond high end black diamond standard base pearl albino gold diamond Leucistic key breeder pair goldenbase pearl albino special pearl (new in the state) red base pearl 75% hets here is some pics visit at our Facebook page...
  5. Super BD Stingray

    For Sale Piebald female stingray

    Piebald female 5-6 $650 eating shrimps and bloodworms phone number 314-223-3574 shipping is available video for Piebald female
  6. Super BD Stingray

    For Sale 2 rays on discount

    female redbase missing tail but she still really pretty $500 pure black diamond male born like this $500 more cheaper for take both 314-223-3574 or find me on fb SuperBDStingray video for redbase female video for male black diamond
  7. Super BD Stingray

    For Sale 2goldenbase and 1black diamond stingrays

    2 goldenbase albino males 8-9inch 900 each 1 pure black diamond male 6-7 inch free shipping!!! 314-223-3574 or visit my Facebook page video for one of goldenbase video for other goldenbase video for black diamond
  8. P

    Weird spots on Stingray Disk

    Hi everyone, I recently have been noticing these spots on the disk of my male Pearl stingray. Please see photos. Any idea what could cause this? He is eating just fine, and there is no sign of aggression between him and his tank mates. It should be noted that he is currently housed with a Black...
  9. bobtheslob

    For Sale Captive Bred Hystrix Rays For Sale (wallacei)

    I have 6 captive-bred hystrix rays for sale. I am selling them through my lfs, Ely's Tropical Fish, in Florham Park, Nj. They are about 2 months old and are currently eating blackworms and cut up nightcrawlers. They are 800 dollars EACH. If there are any questions, you can text me at...
  10. zxmarekxz

    For Sale PieBald ray and MBU Puffer

    14" MBU Puffer - $950 8"+ PieBald Male stingray - $950 Southwest airport shipping is available
  11. Balake2424

    Freshwater stingray water movement

    So I have some black diamond hybrids and I know their from river systems but I was wondering how much water movement do they like? obviously I have a power head in there but It’s only does 950 Gph, plus the filter that pushes lots of surface water around, it’s a 250 gallon But I have an extra...
  12. S

    For Sale Albino Pearl Male 8”+

    Albino Pearl Male 8”+ High Quality! Eating Silversides, Shrimp, Scallops, Mussels, Clams, Squid and Octopus. Asking $1300 CAD Location Ontario (no shipping) just 30 minutes from the Port Huron, MI Border Crossing
  13. ptgabrys

    For Sale 10" Male Pearl Stingray (light base)

    I hate to list this guy, I've had him for over 2 years and he's absolutely stunning plus his personality is awesome. But, he's out growing my tank and deserves something much bigger. He eats literally any kind of pellet I drop in the tank, including swimming up the glass to grab floating...
  14. F

    Arowana sitting on bottom and twitching when swimming

    hi everyone, this is my first spot so if this is in the wrong spot please just direct me on where to go. I have had my asian arowana for about two weeks now, I put him in my 150gal with a small pearl stingray and a tiger datnoid. He was bullying the datnoid so i sold the datnoid, ever since...
  15. gordoncheers

    Motoro Rays Tankmates?

    any recommendations for tankmates for a motor ray?
  16. Toothyboi

    Want to Buy ISO pure mini marble motoros

    I'm looking for pure mini marble motoro's. Please let me know what you have! Thanks!
  17. S

    For Sale Yellow Albino Pearl Stingray Male 8”+

    For Sale: Yellow Albino Pearl Stingray Male 8”+ (This is not a regular red Albino Pearl) Eating Silversides, Shrimp, Scallops, Mussels, Clams, Squid and Octopus. Asking $1700 CAD Location: Ontario
  18. L

    Are these medications safe for my ray?

    Hey guys, new to rays and I’ve had a male BD hybrid pup got about 2 weeks now. He has been through 2 rounds of prazi so far. I’m wondering if I can use the same premedication process I usually do on my fish. Levamisole hydrochloride or prazi for dewormer, and sulfaplex and maracyn 2 for...
  19. Shape of Water

    For Sale Light Based Pearl Stingray Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Live Fish

    Gorgeous Patterned Light Based Pearl Stingray Freshwater Gender: Male Disk Size: 8.5-9" in diameter. Diet: from Frozen to Pellet Age: 1-1.5 years old. Personality: Super interactive! Easy to raise. He will bring many joys into your aquarium. Housing: He has been in my 180 gallon and 220...
  20. P

    Do these stingrays look healthy + Which genger should I get?

    Hi everyone. Recently I have been considering getting 2 female pearl stingrays. Question 1: The following photos are of the selection at my lfs. I wanted a more expert opinion on how they looked, and if anyone notices any red flags. They all did appear to eat, and have been at the store for...