
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Caperguy99

    Carib Sea Rift Lake Authentic substrate

    Has anyone tried this substrate? I’m setting up a 220 gallon Tanganyika biotope and my LFS is telling me that I should get 200 lbs of this substrate. It looks very different from most African cichlid setups I see on videos and so on, as it seems to be made up of small shells and pebbles rather...
  2. W

    For Sale Barton Garnet Sand - 330lbs

    6x sealed pals of Barton 36cg garnet sand… Arguably the best stuff to bring out the color of your bichir / fish in general. I’ve included a pic to show how it has made my bichirs color up. Lower jaws especially, the color is quite impressive. (Lap and endli pictured) Bought too much, unloading...
  3. pinfish

    Oscar Tank Set Up Ideas

    Hello All! I am thinking about revamping my Tiger Oscar's Tank and wanted to get some opinions and what everyone would recommend for the guy. Right now I don't have any substrate in but I was thinking about changing that. I have had substrate in before and when I do he does enjoy digging...
  4. MetalRavioli

    Best plant substrates?

    Hello MFK Im currently redoing a 29g of mine, and am replacing the substrate in the tank with sand. However, I will be putting many pots in the tank, of which I will be putting substrate in to house plants. My question is, what substrate should I use? I assume I could use more than one to...
  5. N

    Side by side pics of HTH vs Palmetto vs Aquaquartz pool filter sand

    From left to right in the pictures below I have HTH vs Palmetto vs Aquaquartz. My next tank I'll be migrating to is a lot bigger and I've started to gather some additional substrate. What I have currently is a mixture of white/off white sands - mostly what the tank came with but a few aquarium...
  6. Egemen

    Substrate issues with Bichirs.

    I got 2 Senegals. One of them seems to have a bruise under his belly and I suspect it might be my substrate (will post a pic below of the substrate). How could I change it ? Its a 40B . What type of substrate I should get ? I also got plants. Thanks in Advance !
  7. H

    substrate help

    300 gallon tank trying to save some money. I love the ada amazonia look, so im looking to use that as a top layer but I just want to make sure it will be able to hold down a 1ich of dirt. Plus i was going to use gravel as a filler in my tank and(sadly already did so) But I was hoping to put the...
  8. A

    RED SAND???

    Can someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me where to buy red sand for Bichir dinosaur fish I have been looking EVERYWHERE I live in Arizona btw!
  9. L

    Substrate help! Sunset Gold VS Torpedo Beach

    Hey guys, need some help on deciding between caribsea sunset gold or torpedo beach, Id love to hear some input and experiences/ pics with both, I've used sunset gold before but found it to be a little too easy to stir up and get in my canister intakes. Was thinking of going torpedo beach for...
  10. S

    SEEKING ADVICE: New Tank (Fish Suggestions and Setup)

    Hi everyone! ? ? Since all of you are very knowledgeable, any and all help is appreciated. The tank is a roughly 43 gallon eurobraced acrylic (48in L X 13in W X 16in H). Planning to upgrade in the future, for larger fish. I have a sump setup, but I need advice on a lighting/heating setup...
  11. KenisFishRoom

    Substrate for African ciclids and what to do for a long trip

    Hello. I’m new to the cichlid world. I’m just wondering what kind of stuff to use on the bottom. I currently use a mix of small rocks and smaller pebbles. Also, what should I do for a 2 week ish... trip?
  12. The-Almighty-Zugs

    Flourite® Dark in a non planted aquarium?

    I am having a custom acrylic 240 gallon (96Lx24Wx24H) made and will be housing a single 12" or 18" Piraya Piranha. I am thinking of using some kind of thick black sand or fine black gravel and found out about Flourite® Dark. It looks natural enough and...
  13. The-Almighty-Zugs

    Black Sand or Gravel?

    I am looking for recommendations on what substrate to use for my new tank. I am having a custom acrylic 240 gallon (96Lx24Wx24H) made and will be housing a single 12" or 18" Piraya Piranha. I am thinking of using some kind of thick black sand or fine black gravel. I don't like the look of large...
  14. The-Almighty-Zugs

    Substrate Recommendations for 240 Gallon Piraya Tank?

    I am looking for recommendations on what substrate to use for my new tank. I am having a custom acrylic 240 gallon (96Lx24Wx24H) made and will be housing a single 12" Piraya Piranha. I am thinking of maybe using a black background but really want a natural look overall. I can't afford those...
  15. kody929

    210G set up advice

    Hey everyone! I’ve got some renewed passion for the hobby and I’m looking to turn my 210g into a planted community tank. Right now I’m looking for advice on the substrate and lighting. Obviously a lot of substrate is required for a 2’x7’ footprint. My thoughts now are Around 9 bags of ADA...
  16. Jexnell

    Black sand

    Trying to find a replacement for Caribsea black sand. It appears they have discontinued it till they can find a new source. So that means I am looking for a replacement.
  17. LBDave

    Seachem Grey Coast Sand

    I'm planning on setting up a second tank for south american fish. Does anybody know anything about this sand substrate? I currently have a tank with oscars, p bass and juruparis. New tank will be similar. In this tank I have a carbiseas sand. Planted tank ph ranges fronm 7.3 - 7.5. Tap...
  18. huntery18

    Substrate change

    hey guys so currently i have a 40 gallon breeder with 4 jack dempseys, a pictus catfish and a pleco (all juvenile) but my bottom currently is tan colored gravel and im switching to black sand, how do you recommend i do this, move out fish then take out my bottom or? keep fish in? i am worried...
  19. huntery18

    How to change substrate with fish

    hey guys so currently i have a 40 gallon breeder with 4 jack dempseys, a pictus catfish and a pleco (all juvenile) but my bottom currently is tan colored gravel and im switching to black sand, how do you recommend i do this, move out fish then take out my bottom or? keep fish in? i am worried...
  20. Iamfish

    No substrate with peacock eel?

    Would no substrate/tile work with a peacock eel if I have 3 structures each with multiple hiding spots or would he still be to stressed if he can't bury? He uses the hiding spots now but still buries for a decent amount of time. If he must bury I will change from gravel to sand but would...