
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. huntery18

    best substrate for jack dempseys

    hey guys so my jack dempseys are not very colorful and someone pointed out that since my gravel is brown it wont have there color pop so i went and picked up some black gravel, but is gravel better or should i go with sand, currently i have a aqueon water changer with a 25 foot hose that i use...
  2. huntery18

    substrate for jack dempseys

    hey guys so my jack dempseys are not very colorful and someone pointed out that since my gravel is brown it wont have there color pop so i went and picked up some black gravel, but is gravel better or should i go with sand, currently i have a aqueon water changer with a 25 foot hose that i use...
  3. J

    Do gars need a substrate?

    Do I need a substrate for my gar tank or can I just leave it bare bottom? Thanks in advance!! - Chris
  4. J


    mix white and black substrate pictures.
  5. A

    Best Substrate Color to bring out color contrast in Curupira

    What substrate color best brings out the color contrast (light grey-white top -> middle lateral black bar -> dark bottom color) of the black wolf fish (curupira)? I think a black substrate makes the whole fish black which is what I'm trying to avoid.
  6. PatrickMW36

    Anyone use sand with eco complete for substrate?

    I would Like to have all my substrate be eco complete. The problem is the tank is 240 gal so it would cost a lot. So I'm thinking of using mainly pool filter sand and then sprinkling some EC on top for aesthetics and also using mainly EC in areas that are planted. Just wanted to see if anyone...
  7. N

    Choosing Substrate for my tank

    Hi guys. I want to ask you guys a question. It is been a while since i kept a fish. Now i want to try using a substrate like sand or amazon soil or somethings like that without using real plants. I am using 60cm x 40 cm x 40 cm and using a internal filter ( it is a chinese brand call boyu...
  8. Vikkram

    Suggestions for aquarium substrate

    Dear Monster fishkeepers, Today I have built a 240 gallon aquarium (96 L x 24 H x 24 W) I really need suggestions from you on selecting the substrate. I am not going to have a planted tank. Its just a Freshwater fish aquarium (for silver dollars, tinfoil barbs, blood parrot, Oscars, etc). But I...
  9. Kalashnikov1408

    Where is a good place to order specific gravel/substrate?

    Im looking for something specific I cant seem to find anywhere locally. Im looking tor dark slate colored gravel, pebbles about the size of a pin head or pool filter sand of the same color. Is there a place online I can order this from? Ive seen the color gravel in tanks online but cant find it...
  10. AG458

    Siphoning sand?

    I really enjoy the white sand substrate I chose for my tank. However, my juvenile peacock bass is a very voracious eater with eyes bigger than his stomach. As a result, there is a lot of waste on the substrate, which really contrasts the white sand. I know too much waste is also not good for his...
  11. jmf

    Aragonite and Seachem Flourite with peppered corydoras?

    Hi Is Aragonite, Seachem Flourite black, and Flourite black-sand ok for corys? Or is one or all to sharp for them? Thanks
  12. xDestro

    Eliminating need to gravel vac?

    Iv heard cory from aquarium co op talk about eartheaters and some catfish such as giraffe catfish eliminating the need to gravel vac and the fish do it for you by sifting through the substrate... is this true? Reason I ask is because if I get a bigger tank I would like to add a group of...
  13. xDestro

    Getting gulpers! Few tank questions

    I had to pull the trigger and order 2 gulpers from my LFS before the tank was %100 setup. I couldn't let them get away again. The tank. •the 55 gallon tank has been up and running for around 8 months now, originally on a canister and a sponge filter but canister **** out and now it's on 2...
  14. xDestro

    Natural substrate sand

    I'm looking for a natural looking kinda multicolored sand. Steenfott aquatics uses basically what I'm looking for in this vid at around 1 min in, But unfortunately that's not available where I am so online would be my best bet. Links would be appreciated :)
  15. xDestro

    First planted plans *gonna need major help*

    So iv decided I want to do a aquascape on my 55 completely changing it, I really like the simple look of a carpet and dragon stone. My question is what plant is best for this? I need something that is basically beginner friendly since this will be my first live plants in a tank. Also I can't...
  16. H

    Sump size?

    Hello fellow fish keepers I am making a 130 Gallon tank dimensions are Length 66 inch, height 24 inch, width 20 inch. ( I know the dimensions are odd but that's the space I have and I want a tank there) And I plan on keeping 10-12 discus in there with a few other smaller fish But my...
  17. xDestro

    Re-scaping a tank?

    What the best way to redo the decor in your tank with minimum fish and bacteria loss? Is it best to put fish in bucket? Or lower water enough to do what you wanna do? I have a pretty heavily stocked 55g and I want to change the gravel to a course sand which will help my corys and loaches but...
  18. xDestro

    Very course sand

    I want to go with a sandy bottom look in my 75 but don't sand that's very fine, any suggestions? Black would be my preferd color but it doesn't matter to much.
  19. Jakec96

    Salt water substrate in African cichlid aquarium

    I recently bought a used 55 gallon from someone that I want to use as a grow out tank for mbuna African cichlids. The tank was previously a salt water aquarium. I was wondering if I could use the sand that it came with in an African cichlid setup or do i have to buy a new substrate. I'm not sure...
  20. P

    Anyone ever used this??

    Has anyone ever used HTH Pool Filter Sand? How'd it work? Any problems?