
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. O

    Sump question - GPH

    Hi guys, I know that a one inch pipe will drain 600 gpg. So if i drill 2 one inch, that'll be 1200 GPH max? Because i bought a 220g aquarium with the plan to plumb it like this, but i want to turn the water at least 8x per hour (my pump is rated 1900 gph, will be tuned for 1760gph in this...
  2. -603FiShHoBbIeSt-

    DIY Filtration and media

    Whats your favorite DIY filter and media choice? I'm thinking of making a canister filter out of a 5 gallon pale and hook it up to my 125g for added filtration. I've seen a few different designs and ways to do it but curious to what you guys have came up with for DIY filtration and media ?
  3. narayanang76

    My custom tank build with Bean Animal Overflow and Sump

    My 220G Aquarium Tank Build with Bean Animal Overflow and Sump: Preamble: It is a 220 G aquarium tank, and not in the league of many other tank many of the members in this forum have. Given the constraints where I live, wrt the construction of the multi-storied apartments, size of the house...
  4. S

    can Spray polyurethane foam kill fish? Sealant foam

    Hey all, So here's the situation. I bought a 130 gallon sump, i hired a contractor to take apart my stand and put in under my 360 gallon. But this crack, didnt seal one of the PVC outlets properly, so the sump has been leaking (very lightly), the contractor wouldnt fix it (i paid him 350$ just...
  5. GoldFinger

    Anyone have this in their sump?????

    I have some sort of buildup on the base of my sump, different thin layer on the side walls and then more stuff on the surface of the water that has less movement. If you are able to identify the issue how would I clean it or prevent it from developing further? My water goes through a sediment...
  6. N

    Methods to lower nitrate

    Hi, I'm looking into methods to lower nitrate in my 180 gallon freshwater. I don't have problems with nitrate, and do regular water changes, but I want the water to be as good as possible. I don't have a sump (just canister filters), so is there any way to use one of these bio denitrator...
  7. D

    Help with new Aquarium Sump (Identify this sump please!?)

    I just bought a 110 gallon acrylic aquarium from craigslist. Its a restore job, but i got a great deal. It came with a sump. I know how to restore the acrylic, but i have never had a sump before. I watched a million videos on youtube on sumps, but i cant figure out what kind this is. The baffles...
  8. Willyy

    Eartheater DIY Sump

    I have a DIY fluid bed sump with a cubic foot of K1 media and a marinepure ceramic brick coming for bio filtration, but to fluidize the bed I used powerheads that suck water from my return pump chamber to keep them from clogging with K1. Is there any disadvantage of double filtering my water...
  9. M

    Couple questions before I drill

    I have some final numbers I wanted to run by you guys. I have a 220 I am setting up with a 55 that I'm turning into a wet sump. I have a jaebo dcs-1200 return pump in route. I know it's not the best pump but if it gets me through a year I'll be happy. My overflow is a eclipse L from...
  10. SingAlongWithTsing

    Tetra pond box in sump

    planning on re-plumbing my tank in the next couple of weeks and i know a couple of members here are probably using that kind of set up and i'm wondering if you guys have run into any problems with having to reduce the intake of your pump to match the box's 3/4" hole? i'm thinking of drilling...
  11. Naos1984

    Ratio of bio-media to gallons of water

    I know this may be a silly question, but do we have something like this? Or is this entirely dependent on bio-load? I'm referring to how many kg of bio-media is needed per gallon of water. There are far too many variables like type of media and surface area of each type but do we even have a...
  12. Swoll929

    240 custom sump overflow issues

    So I have a 240. 8 x 2 x 2. I drilled the aquarium myself Built My Own sump Built My Own stand and everything is going great except I cannot get the flow through my overflows I expected. I have three one-inch overflows drilled into the back of the tank and two three quarter inch return lines...
  13. Grinch

    Plumbing 101

    My most recent fish rack build made me realize how much I don’t know about plumbing. I’m sure that there are others with much more knowledge than myself on this topic, but nevertheless I decided I would share what I’ve learned in the hope it makes someone’s life easier setting up their tank...
  14. M

    New to the Sump

    I've had my 75 gallon hi-tech fresh water tank up and running for about four years now. I'm not an experienced aquarist but i'm starting to get some experience under my belt. I bought the tank used. It came pre-drilled with an overflow box. Obviously, this was made for a sump, but being new to...
  15. JK47

    WTT/FTS • Acrylic Tank for Sump • Vancouver WA • PU

    i feel bad turning this tank into a sump for the next build. Before I start drilling holes for 2" bulkheads in the side, I thought is should see if any local MFK'ers want to use it as a tank in trade for a sump of similar size (larger preferred, won't consider smaller) for tank or sump that is...
  16. A

    Filtering FW 620 Gal in Small Spaces

    Hello all! I am about to build a 620 Gallon (freshwater) in my basement. Its the right size and the right spot for the this tank. One problem, I have no idea how to filter this thing. The stand was made for another person and I inherited it when they couldn't finish the project. The stand is...
  17. soupa2

    Soaking filter socks

    okay everyone have a sump must use filter sock or some sort. What u use to soak the socks with before washing them. Most soak with bleach but what else u use to get that sock cleaner or brighter??
  18. james t

    Please help Plumbing a 350 gallon tank

    Can i have some advice on what size drain pipe and return line to equal a turn over of 8x a hour for a 350 gallon please? Any recommendations on pumps will also be appreciated looking at a flow rate of approximately 2800gph.
  19. GoldFinger

    Help with sump set-up

    Hey guys I would love some help figuring out how to build my sump. My tank will house an Asian Arowana with possible discus and a ray or eel. The tank is going to be 84x30x28 with a 3 foot external ghost overflow at the back coupled with Bean Animal drains and two returns. I would like to go as...
  20. Vandyfan13


    Have the opportunity to build a pretty big tank with a custom stand. 300+ gallons. 7' by 3' any suggestions on where to put overflows for sump and other recommendations you would like done or would do to yours if you could? I should mention it will be glass too. The sump I'm building will be a...