tank mates

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. F


    I have a silver Arowana in 180 gallon by himself, almost 2 feet long. Was looking for a couple tank mates to go with him. Was thinking fire eel. any recommendations?
  2. M

    best black wolf fish (hoplias curupira) tank mates are guppies?

    Yes it’s strange the title but let me explain myself.. I work in a aquatic store where we keep a black wolf fish in a sump and above the sump there is guppy aquariums and quite a lot of them so the story goes like this whenever someone was getting a customer a guppy and it jumped out of the net...
  3. R

    Pleco and crawfish?

    I’ve got a common pleco about 10 inches now in a 70 gallon tank and I was wondering would an electric blue crawfish be ok to house with him? I know they are known to be very aggressive but I wasn’t sure if the size of the pleco would prevent him from being attacked. I’ve also heard some people...
  4. fishmarket

    Another wolf fish tankmate question

    So I was browsing this fish store that I often go to my surprise I saw a wolf fish over a foot long in a tank with a school of blood parrots, some bichir, and a few catfish that were similar in size. As far as I knew about wolf fish at that point tank mates were impossible. The store owner said...
  5. D

    Arowana Tankmate

    What's a good tankmate for an asian and a silver arowana (seperate tanks). I don't mid snails, crustaceans, fish or anything just that it can eat various type of algae, doesn't bother the arowana and wont be bothered by the arowana and dosen't have a huge bioload.
  6. K

    Green terror and Oscar

    So I have a 3 year old green terror. He has been through a lot, he has batted hole in the head and an addiction to bloodworms and won both fights. My Oscar seems bored and my green terror does as well. My green terror is in a 40 gallon breeder and my Oscar is in a 75. I know the 40 is a little...
  7. A

    RTM Cichlid with poly. Delhezi and JD

    I currently have one delhezi and JD in a 55. Both are juvies and my fish store just got some RTMs in. Would it be worth a shot to try ONE juvie RTM??
  8. Liam515

    Fish suggestions

    I have a 40 gallon breeder tank I am going to use for my red ear slider and bottom dwelling turtle as a temporary tank for a good while since there small and I want to get a softshell or musk turtles for it too eventually. But I need fish suggestion on what fish and clean up crew to put in it!
  9. N

    Tiger barb 20 gallon long tank mates

    Hello, I currently have 9 tiger barbs and 2 dwarf gourami in my 20 gallon long, I am looking for a third solitary tank mate, any ideas? Something that is more available will be nice.
  10. Benthebassmaster

    Giant betta 10 gallon tank

    Would a giant betta be fine in a 10 gallon tank. Also If there could be tank mates with a giant betta what would it be
  11. JustinJay1996

    Blood parrot tank mates

    I haven’t been on in awhile due to phone not being active and not affording internet but I’m back! I bought my girlfriend 3 blood parrots for our 75 gallon. It has a geophagus pearl cichlid and a geophagus balzani. The geophagus pearl cichlid looks like it’s not doing to well and is in...
  12. N

    Tank mates

    I posted this under setup, hoping for some more answers on tank mates etc sailfin and pleco shared 120g tank. Other parameters on the original post... https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/threads/pleico-goldfish-shared-tank.730708/
  13. ydnim

    Sunny D.

    I ended up buying my first tank-mate today ? He is an "Assorted African Cichlid" -- which to be honest, I hate that certain stores cannot give you more information on the "type" than that... I have decided to name him Sunny D and he is currently acclimating through a cool little gadget I found...
  14. N

    silver Arowana tank mates

    Hey guys, i purchased a silver arowana over a month ago and he is about 7" now so still juvenile. I have him/her in a 75 gal tank for now, and im quite aware that i will need to upgrade soon. Today i purchased an Oscar that is about 8-9" so about the size of my hand and larger than the Aro. i...
  15. A

    Green Terror tank mate suggestions?

    Hello, I am looking for some suggestions for potential GT tank mates, Gold Saum variety. My tank details are as followed: Brand - 55 gallon Ciano Measurements - 40”L x 15.5”W x 24”H Filteration - Fluval 406 External Filter My GT seems to be the odd relaxed one. He’s currently in with...
  16. LimaShovelnoseSaltwater92

    Gulper cat and flowerhorn- smart or insane?

    Ok, I’ve noticed a lot of people putting flowerhorns in with smaller types of bichir. As most people know, the mentifact is that you should keep a flowerhorn alone in a 75g + tank. My question is: could I put a middle aged SD fader flowerhorn in with a 4-4.5 in. Gulper catfish? If they grow...
  17. S

    Tank Mates for Gibbiceps?

    Tank Mates Question. Ready to upgrade and want to know what may be best to add. Currently: I have a 40 gal/ the upgrade likely to 90 gal. Gibbiceps is 5 or 6 years old. He is in a freshwater tank and is almost 14 inches long. Artificial plants. As of 2 days ago, I have two more fish- I was...
  18. Z

    Fire eel safety?

    Hi all, long time lurker first time Poster! I'm recently finishing building my 180g acryllic and 75 gallon sump, she's beautiful! As of now I will be stocking with a few clown loaches, some angel fish, a very passive frontosa, an Oscar, ornate bichir and of course a fire eel at only 10 inches...
  19. G


    Could I keep a single Oscar with a school of 5 or so tiger barbs in a 75 gallon?
  20. P

    75 gallon stock idea's

    Howdy y'all, My name is George, I'm new to the site, but not fish keeping. I had a 75 gallon tank with a pair of adult green terrors in college and a 220 with a few Oscars and a JD. It's been about seven years, but my sister just gave me her boyfriends 75 gallon tank so I'm going to clean it...