tank mates

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. AG458

    Stocking Adjustment Question

    As the owner of three potential giants (CK, pbass, black ear pangasius) and a medium-sized pleco, I've been told my 60g is overstocked. As of now, everyone in my tank is doing well; none of my fish are over 7 inches. I wish I could keep them all, but my tank limits my options. I am looking at an...
  2. F

    Red Tail Barracuda Tank Mates

    Hello everyone, first post! I recently bought a 75g aquarium and was planning on putting a Red Tail Barracuda in it. I currently have a 14" Tire Track Eel and 4" Eclipse Catfish in my 55g and was planning on putting them in the 75g tank with the Cuda. Are they compatible with each other if the...
  3. G

    Green Terror tank mates

    It has been a long time since ive had setup a tank. The GT was always my favorite. I have a 60 gallon and plan on getting a GT and a blue JD ( i understand risks of aggression). i also want to have a con and a firemouth in the same tank. I plan on introducing all at same time. Does anybody have...
  4. AG458

    Ornate Bichir in 60g tank + tank mates?

    I know I've been told that I shouldn't add any more fish to my current stock (a juvenile peacock bass, small Clown knifefish, small pleco, smallish black ear pangasius) but I would like a bichir as well. This won't be my first time; I had a dinosaur bichir in my old tank who had quite a...
  5. AG458

    Tank Mate Ideas?

    My current 60gal tank consists of four fish: a black ear pangasius, a common pleco, a juvenile peacock bass, and a clown knifefish-most of which will outgrow my tank. So far, my only issue with the tank mates is that my CK is aggressive towards my pleco-not biting him or anything like that; more...
  6. A-Train


    Hey everyone I've had clown knives before and I've owned several other monster fish not something that is odd and has me worried is I just added a Jardini arowana ( 4-5 inches ) to my 220 gallon tank with my Golden clown knife ( 10 inches ) and I noticed today my clown knife was being overly...
  7. Narwhal

    Common Pleco Tankmates

    I have a roughly 16 inch common pleco an I am planning to do an overhaul of the tank he is in and give it some character. Right now it lives with a handful of tetras, but I was interested if discus can live alongside common plecos. From descriptions given, common plecos sound like vicious...
  8. D

    Can a turtle be a tank mate

    I've got a 265 with an 18" bass, 12" pacu, and a 6" red pike. I'm looking into dropping the water down, adding floatation decor, and adding a turtle. I don't have much turtle experience. I was wondering if it would be okay to add a turtle to the mix? I do not want to loose my fish.
  9. V

    Silver dollars

    I am looking for some help i am starting an 80 gallon up i have 4 silver dollars an will be adding 2 more i am looking for tank mates for them i really want a center peice fish that will be a good tank mate for the silver dollars and i am also looking for sugestions for bottom dwellers to even...
  10. R

    Giant Gourami w/ 2 Kissing Gourami & 1 Fire Eel?

    Hello, I'm planning far ahead for a monster tank I'd like to set up in the next year or so. My intention for the tank (300+g) is to house a Giant Gourami (I love the size of those things). I currently have a Fire Eel (6-7 inch) and two Kissing Gourami (juvies) in other tanks. Those three will...
  11. D

    Recommended Gar for 400 gallon

    So I just started building a 400ish gallon plywood tank that I don't have any fish currently to occupy (I'm not getting any before its ready) I'm building it to get a Silver Arowana and maybe some species of Bichir, I'm wondering if there are any species of Gar that would be safe to house 1)...
  12. Brock11

    Exodons and Serra

    Who had kept bucktooth tetras with any species of Serra. I'd like to hear success and failure stories. Thanks.
  13. R

    fish suggestions for a 60 gal theme tank

    hello, i recently got a 60 gal tank and I'm getting a bgk in a couple of weeks after its set up. (don't worry, this is a temporary setup until i get my 150 gal in about 4-5 months ) That being said, i wanted to keep some discus with him, maybe 4? But i read a lot that they aren't...
  14. bichir84

    Stock ideas 6ftx5ftx30inch

    Hey everyone! Been a minute since I was last on, had to move across the U.S. and it's time to have some monsters back in my house I'm going with 6ftx5ftx30inch freshwater. I don't want to over stock nor have to move a fish after a couple years so I'd like to get your options on some of my wish...
  15. MikeGuerra

    IN NEED OF LFS Around Queens PLEASE

    Hi guys just got back into the hobby with a 125 after being out for about 2 years. Just went to my 2 lfs's I always use to go to and they're really slacking they have nothing. Does anyone live in queen or Brooklyn ny and know a good lfs that usualy has some good fish. Please let me know thank you
  16. PoissonRouge

    Ideas for Bichir Tank Mates - Algea eaters - My conundrum

    So I have a live planted soil tank, capped with sand and some fish that surprisingly get along very well right now. Here is the list and their sizes 1 Delhezi Bichir (a thick 11-12") 1 Endli Bichir / or hybrid (still unsure about 12") 4 Yoyo Loaches (x1@4" & x3@2") 2 Bristlenose Pleco's (2.5"...
  17. C

    Alternative for Freshwater Stingrays

    Hello, I am pretty new here. I am currently trying to stock a 300 gallon tank. It is 96 x 30 x 25. I have the following fish in an 80 gallon tank: 1 4" Jardini 2 3" Oscars 1 3" Peacock bass 1 4" Common Pleco 1 4" Tiger Shovelnose 1 3" Albino Bichir 1 4" Softshell turtle (sorry not a fish) 1...
  18. Angelphish

    Tiger Barb Tank Mates

    I have a school of eight Tiger barbs in my 200 gallon, 7' x 2' x 2', aquarium. There were a couple more fish I wanted before I would consider it fully stocked. Currently the largest fish in the aquarium is the Blood Parrot, but the Bala's and Pleco will surpass him. I was looking for more...
  19. L

    Discus tank mates

    Hi, im currently in the process of setting up a 600 Litre discus tank, im going to hopefully get between 8 - 10 discus fish but im unsure of what other fish to keep with my discus, i already know of the usual tank mates, cardinals, plecs, rams ect. I was hoping somebody could tell me some...
  20. A

    Senegal Bichir Size and Tankmates

    I have been looking at getting a senegal bichir for some time. I have an idea for starting tank size, food, filtration, just about everything I think. I have a question and a sort of show and tell for you guys as well. How big are your senegals? How about girth? Referenced with something like a...