
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. K

    Using pond treatment on a tank?

    Would it be wise to use api pond algaefix on a tank because 1 gallon is $47.49 than a 16 oz is like $10.92. I think getting a 1 gallon pond algaefix is cheaper than get 8 "16 oz" of algaefix which cost almost $87.36. Could I use pond ecofix sludge destroyer too? If I have api stress coat do I...
  2. dassalmon

    FS/FT Big EBJD -$100

    Testing the waters on my big EBJD. 7” Open to trades for pike cichlids or true parrots and other offers. Located in Philadelphia. I’m Text at : (215)740-6419
  3. N

    Silver Arowana - Tank Temperature Check

    Hay everyone, I have a quick question on what you each keep your tank temperature at for your Silver Arowana. When mine (I have one) was young (3 inches) I had the tank at around 83F (later I found out it should of been slightly lower) but now that he is at 13 inches, I have lowered the temp...
  4. J

    Tank Capacity 120 Gallon

    I am fairly new to keeping big fish. I tried oscars but they wouldn't stop fighting. Got an ornate bichir that I think is awesome. Wanted some tank mates for him. So for my 120 gallon I've got the ornate, three tinfoil barbs, one blood parrot, and one severum. How close do you think I am on...
  5. Dennis Kraemer

    What Could I put in my tank???

    Hey guys I have had this tank for awhile and it is kind of a grow out tank for my bullhead. I have one yellow lab Cichlid and two albino bristle nose Plecos. Are there any schooling fish that I can add?
  6. T

    FS | two 180 gallon aquariums | $1825 | Northampton,ma | Pickup

    What type of listing is this?: FS What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?: two 180 gallon aquariums What are your prices?: 1825 Where are you located?: Northampton,ma Pickup or Able to Ship?: Pickup Description: Two 180 gal. acrylic fish tanks used. One has a metal stand and comes with two fx6...
  7. viper0397

    Update on hystrix/retic pups!

    I moved my pups to a 55 gallon tank today. Got them out of their cramped floating tank. They seem to be getting along quite nicely.
  8. D

    Tankmate Recommendations for Green Sunfish in 70gallon?

    I have 2 green sunfish, one is 2" the other is about 3.5" Each one has established one side of the tank as their territory They are both in the 70gal, with a few decorations for hiding. Not the final setup, just until I get a stand for the tank (its on the floor) Tank Dimensions are around 48" x...
  9. Kiryoku

    65 Gallon Aquarium Set Up Ideas?

    i currently have a 5 inch short body srd flowerhorn in it bare bottom. i was wondering if i should keep the flowerhorn or should i sell it, and set up the tank with discus or platinum angels or anything else? any ideas on stocking the tank? i'll probably make it a planted tank if i'm going to...
  10. Kiryoku

    Brooklyn, Looking For 65G Tank.

    Looking for 65G Tanks With Dimensions Of 18x36. Comment Or PM. Thanks!
  11. M

    Can I house a Oscar in a rubber bend?

    Hi I have a 4-5”in. Oscar and a new 6”in. silver arowana in a 55 gal. My 125gal is down for now.The arowana is not eating my friend told me it’s becuz the fish is stressed he also told me to take the Oscar out and put him in a rubber bend with my BIO FORM FILTER out of my tank and leave the...
  12. R

    Jardini arowana tank

    I'm getting a 300 gallon tank and i was wondering if i could keep a jardini aro in it
  13. Oz fish guy

    Big tank water change question

    So my largest tank is definitely tiny to most on here its abit over 500lts then i have a 350 ltr and a 250ltr For the first copule years i didnt mind marching out 1million trips to the laundry and back with a 20ltr bucket but these days not so much. So i wonder if i can use my garden hose to...
  14. Oz fish guy

    Tank busters

    So my 11 maybe 12" parachromis manganese smashed my decorative ship into pieces! He got stuck in it and with a mighty kick he went straight threw it. So im pretty pissed that ship wasnt cheap. Ive seen and hear him move around large river rocks in the tank its pretty impressive.. so im just...
  15. AG458

    Tank Update!

    I've had my current 60g (long) tank up and running since last summer. Despite my taste for large fish, my current stock is doing very well together. My current stock is as listed below: x1 Common Plecostomus x1 Azul Peacock Bass x1 Polypterus Endlicheri x1 Silver Arowana (Surprise!) Please keep...
  16. Davidiator

    Pics of Your Tank

    So I really LOVE seeing pics of other people's tanks so I am going to start this thread... Post a pic of your tank or fish With size of tank and fish in tank Example: 75 Gallon Silver Arowana x1 Black Ghost Knifefish x1 Clown Loach x5 Hi-Fin Pleco x1
  17. R

    Stocking Ideas

    I'm thinking of starting an aggressive 100 gallon tank. I was wondering if anyone had ideas for stocking
  18. Kiryoku

    90G Tank Stock Ideas!

    Hello, Everyone! I have a 90G aquarium that’s 36x13x50 I know it calculates to 100G but the glass thickness is 1/2 inch so true size would be 35x12x50 which calculates to 90G. But anyways, i was wondering if i could get some insight on what to stock it with for a living room piece. Lace Java...
  19. aes1687

    Tank Size

    Hi guys, new MFK member here. Just wanted to see your thoughts. I have a 9 inch Salton Catfish right now, and im thinking of making a new home for him and some other fish. Would a 2000 gallon tank be too big for him? Is it Bad if a fish has too much space? FYI, with him i might put some other...
  20. Oz fish guy

    Just start posting proud tanks

    Go nuts and post the tanks your proud of. I need ideas