
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. T

    Will an Orante be a problem when kept with a Senagal later down the line?

    Currently have a plat Senegal around 8-9cm (3 - 3.5 inches). Would it be a good idea to get an 8cm (3 inch) Ornate with it? I know that Ornates can be bullies and will outgrow the Senegal but I have seen Ornates cohabitate fine with other Bichers online. Is it just a matter of individual fish...
  2. B

    Rope fish with P. Endlicheri?

    I'm wanting to keep a couple ropefish with my 11 inch endlicheri Bichir but concerned he'll try to eat them. He tried to eat my 5 inch Senegal twice. I'm worried my Endli is extra aggressive and would kill even a full grown ropefish, but I see other people keep them together. I'm relatively new...
  3. S

    Adding a second Endli Bichir?

    Hi, I have a 12 inch (+- 30 cm) endli bichir in a 180G tank. It has always lived alone with an oscar. My local petstore has an endli bichir for sale and it looks to be exactly the same size as my current one. Is it generally safe to add a second bichir to the tank or is there a high likely hood...
  4. Egemen

    Tank mates for Senegal Bichir

    Well hello there, If some of you remember I made a post about my 40 Gallon Breeder and the Senegals inside it. There have been some fish tank mate suggestions, and I wanted to collect all of them under 1 thread. Here you can reccomend me fish that can live alongside a Senegal Bichir, without...
  5. Benthebassmaster

    Exodon tank mates

    What are tank mates for exodon tetras. Would a dwarf pike cichlid be fine.
  6. N

    Will this combination work?

    Hi. I want to ask for advice again from you guys. Currently i have one tiger barb which is around 6-7 cm long. His tank mates recently passed away. Some of you guys told me to add other tiger barbs again so i am planning to add 3 or 4 new tiger barbs to accompany him since now he is kinda...
  7. m_sol

    I need advice with my wolfs

    I bought a second wolf the other day which is about 7' and my smaller wolf keeps on bullying it. Will this eventually stop? I don't want to lose a wolf thanks!
  8. rayoddballfish

    Bichir “Peaceful” Tankmates

    Hey everyone (I know this is my third thread posted today; I have a lot of questions lol), but can you guys suggest tankmates that would be peaceful with my lapradei bichir. I have a 75 gallon and would like colorful and active fish since my bichir hides 70 percent of the time. I also have live...
  9. K

    Large Non Aggressive FreshWater Fish

    Hello! My friend gave me a 10 gallon tank with a rainbow shark, i learned they need bigger tanks and im purchasing a 75 gallon tank this weekend ! I currently have two plattys, two bleeding heart tetras, a black molly , and a Dalmatian molly in the tank with the rainbow shark , they all get...
  10. S

    Serrasalmus with Red Bellied Piranhas???

    Hello, I have a 75 gallon tank with 6 red bellied piranhas in it, as well as 3 other fish (red wolf fish, rainbow shark, sunfish). I was looking at Serrasalmus species for sale, and I was particularly attracted to the S. Elongatus and S. Sanchezi. Now, I know that I will have to eventually sell...
  11. G

    Good tankmates for Asian Arowana?

    Since I'm planning on getting a super red or golden crossback arowana from planet arowana in the future later down the line after that I wanna add another fish, preferably a catfish. The only large catfish I've seen are the red tail catfish which is too big and the tigrinus catfish which I think...
  12. Zak03

    Bichir tankmate ideas.

    Hey guys, I'm trying to help my brother come up with ideas for tankmates for his Dinosaur bichir. He's setting up a 90-gallon fish tank and has a 3" juvenile dinosaur bichir. i was thinking of maybe one Vieja synspila, but he doesn't like how they look. Does anybody have any ideas on who we can...
  13. slava2929

    3.5 inch female cichlid tankmates

    I have a semi planted 40 breeder with lots of caves and ONE, 1 year old female convict which I love. Only problem is I'd like to have more cichlids but not a male convict because I dont want eggs, fry, etc. I had her in there with a male Jewel, until it grew too big and started pushing her...
  14. M

    55 gallon tank(btw I'm loving the new update so much easier to make threads)

    Hello aquarium hobbyists! I have a 55-gallon tank with an Oscar, belly crawler pike cichlid and bichir. All of these fish are somewhere from 4-5 inches. I am planning on removing the Senegal Bichir because it stopped eating. My thinking behind this is that it shares the tank with two very greedy...
  15. Mfowlie626

    Silver Arowana Tankmates

    I recently got my first silver arowana and he's around 5-6 inches. I seen lots of info on everything except tankmates. I was looking into getting a p.bass and a red tail catfish, would these be suitable tankmates? I know long term they are ok but unsure about compatability while they are all...
  16. Wyvlen

    good tank mate for an electric blue acara cichlid?

    I recently had to make some adjustments to my tanks, mainly because there was a bit too much bullying going on and not only was my angelfish stressed- so was I. Haha. The barbs were an annoyance to the rainbow shark and he was constantly flaring, and the acara did not appreciate the angelfish...
  17. J

    Stocking 125 gallon. Green Terror and.....

    Hey everyone, first post here. So this will be my first CA/SA ciculid tank. I've dabbled in reef tanks, planted tanks, and African cichlid tanks during my time in the hobby. So I'm excited to start this tank. It's a 6 foot 125 gallon. It will have pool filter sand, quite a bit of driftwood and...
  18. Rensille

    Tankmates for planted bichir tank?

    Hello, I'm a newbie in fish keeping i only started about 2 months ago when i saw a pair of bichirs at a pet shop i fell in love with them. I purchased and currently setting up a new 70 gallon for them as an upgrade from a tiny 30 gallon long tank . As of now both my albino Senegal bichirs have...
  19. E

    Melanochromis auratus with Julidochromis marlieri

    I picked up a single M.auratus juvenile today on a whim. Any chance I could keep it in a single tank with 3 J. marlieri juveniles? I know M.auratus can get aggressive when they're mating but what about a single individual? The tank is 20 gallons but I can move them to a 50 gallon in a couple of...
  20. F

    Large non nipping fish for goldfish?

    I just upgraded my sun room pond to a 300 gallon and leave it at 75 degrees (I live in Florida and my goldfish can handle the heat waves) I have 5 fancy goldfish and 2 comet, I was trying to find a large interesting tank mate that could coexist with them and not bother the fancies. Or perhaps...