
  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. S

    New Tank, rescue Eel tankmates advice

    So after a lot of financial distress over the past couple of years I am finally at a stable and comfortable point. I have bought a 125 gallon tank and it's currently cycling and will be for around the next few weeks. I got a peacock Eel from a friend who bought it on impulse and had neither the...
  2. B

    Electric blue jack dempsey

    what do you think suitable tankmates would be for a ebjd in a 150 gall tank?
  3. G

    Green Terror tank mates

    It has been a long time since ive had setup a tank. The GT was always my favorite. I have a 60 gallon and plan on getting a GT and a blue JD ( i understand risks of aggression). i also want to have a con and a firemouth in the same tank. I plan on introducing all at same time. Does anybody have...
  4. ong88

    Crossback Golden Arowana and community tankmates

    Full tank shot 6.5' across
  5. james t

    tank mates for juvenile silver arowana

    Hey I'm interested to know of suitable tank mates for a juvenile arowana my current tank is 450 UK litres dimensions are 5 ft long 2 ft high 2 ft wide? Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated thanks in advance
  6. R

    Giant Gourami w/ 2 Kissing Gourami & 1 Fire Eel?

    Hello, I'm planning far ahead for a monster tank I'd like to set up in the next year or so. My intention for the tank (300+g) is to house a Giant Gourami (I love the size of those things). I currently have a Fire Eel (6-7 inch) and two Kissing Gourami (juvies) in other tanks. Those three will...
  7. R

    Can I keep Fire Eel with tetras?

    Hello All, I recently put a 6-8 inch Fire Eel in my 125g community tank. Most of the fish in there are large enough to not be threatened by the Fire Eel, even when it's full grown. However I would like to also keep a school of cardinal and lemon tetras (both species will max out at 2 inches)...
  8. B

    Bichirs in a planted paludarium?

    First off, I have been researching my favorite fish. Every time I have a question about Bichirs, Google has turned me to this forum (literally every time lol). So I figured Why not join? I use the term paludarium loosely. Idealy I am looking to get an Aqueon 210. The top 5-7 inches or so will...
  9. Narwhal

    Smallest size Tankmate for Bichirs

    So I have long been intrigued by Polypterus species. But when it is generally tankmates that make me cautious about them. Most places I see, say as long as it cannot fit in the mouth, but without knowing how big the mouth is that is not particularly useful. Sometimes though, they will take on...
  10. Brittanirdh


    So I got my 125 gallon. Plan to move my EBJD, 1 angle, 3 Pictus cats, remaining long fin danios, and nerite snails to this tank once I get it up and running. The EBJD are obviously blue, and the angle is blue/silver/black/red/golden depending on its mood, danios are silver/yellow, Pictus silver...
  11. S

    Need recommendations

    I'm setting up a 20long that will have a big piece of driftwood in the middle and a few live plants. I need help with a stock list. Here's what I got so far 1x L200 pleco(preferably need him in there) 3x otos 1x dwarf Mexican crayfish 10-20x RCS 4x panda corys I feel like I'm missing a middle/...
  12. Dgmannn412

    Devils and tankmates

    I have what I believe to be a large red devil midas cross. It has had tank mates in the past and I'm going to say that tank size sexual maturity and nature of the beast is why it is currently on its own. I am referring to it as it because gender is unknown by even the best. My question is what...
  13. ShanerBock888

    Tankmate Suggestions - RTCxTSN and TSN

    Trying to decide on a third tankmate before the other two get too big. The RTCxTSN is about 9", the TSN is about 6. Both are very docile but growing quickly. They're currently in a 100 gal and will soon be in a 600 gal (7'x4'x3'), and down the road will be moved into an indoor pond that's at...
  14. B

    Rainbow wolf fish tankmates

    Im thinking of adding a rainbow wolf fish to my tank he would be just a little bit smaller than other fish his tankmates will consist of Oscar Green terror Jaguar Salvini Jack dempsey 2 small plecos Any concerns ? Any help would be appreciated
  15. F

    how many trigger in a 150 gal

    I just picked up a 150 gallon off craigslist, it was already setup for a saltwater and i am very intrested in keeping triggerfish. I am wonder how many i could keep in this tank of if i should keep one and other fish. I know that these can be aggressive fish and want to know what kinds i can...
  16. S

    L200 and Wrestling Halfbeak, etc

    Compatibility on wrestling half beaks and green phantom plecos? What else go with L200s?? Thanks
  17. S

    Cichlid tank mate

    Hello, first off let me start by saying that I know the conditions aren't ideal. But it's a better life then previously for now. I have acquired an African cichlid (supposively) and it's only like an inch or two long and the previous owner said it barely has grown for months. Anyway for now...
  18. M

    Possible tankmates for female flowerhorn

    Hey guys I've got a 4 inch female flowerhorn, she's growing like crazy and is in a 75. She's got a big black patch on her dorsal and no sign of of any hump so I'm assuming and hoping it's a female so it will fit in the 75 long term. Anyway was wondering if I should just keep her alone or if...
  19. N

    can this workout?

    Hi,i want to ask for some advices from you guys.my friend has a 50 gal tank,but she doesn't understand about fish compability.his father already put 2 tinfoil barbs inside,so i dont have any choice but to keep these fish inside,although the tank is quite small for them (1 m x 45 cm x 60 cm).so...
  20. G

    Suggest me a fish

    Hi, this is my first post, so hello all. I have a 6 foot tank with a mix of community and two cichlids; one ebjd and one convict. I have a a leopard ctenopoma, tinfoil barb, rainbow shark, some bottom dwellers and more. Anyway, since my mother had to give up her tank, I had to adopt her...