
  1. B

    Need ID for a Vieja cichlid

    Hi, I need help in identifying this cichlid in the attachment images. I got it in one of the rivers in Singapore. I guess it was introduced here. My guess would be some species from the genus Vieja but I would like a confirmation. Thank you
  2. P

    New tank setupSome of them look good

    Looks like I messed up the title, bad on me. I’m going to setting up a new 6 foot 180g this weekend with some cycled filters. I have 9 vieja coming from CoA on Wednesday. Dan suggested melanarum, Regani, and bifasciatus for a vieja community tank. All are approx 3 in. I plan on using white sand...
  3. cichlidfan77

    late night pic

  4. cichlidfan77

    Random pic’s

    the three amigos Some shots of Maui my rainbow shark and here's cheeto starburst
  5. cichlidfan77

    pic and a little hide and seek

    I found you !! Now you count . Ok 1..2..3..4 some of my rams a rare sighting of my African knife he never comes out in the light
  6. salt_creep

    Bifasciatus "Rio Usumacinta"

    Was hoping someone with some central American experience could give me some advice. I'm new to raising viejas and am wondering what's best as far as removing parents or letting them do their thing. Tank is 8'x2x17" Ph 7.4 Temp 79 Nitrate <5
  7. Hybridfish7

    Should C.Panamensis be reclassified to vieja?

    Cryptoheros Panamensis is an interesting and nice looking cichlid. My 'issue' with it is that it's in cryptoheros... A lot of the cryptoheros species were recently reclassified into amatitlania, and I'm not sure if panamensis was too, but either way I think it doesn't belong. It's a smaller...
  8. raja

    What makes a kind kamfa?

    I came across this image in Google, it was listed as king kamfa. I fell in love with it immediately but I couldn't find anything like this at any of my lfs, so I planned on breeding it myself. Now to me it looks like a cross between a vieja synspilum x Festae cichlid, and some line breeding...
  9. cichlidsickness

    Red Head Cichlid (Paraneetroplus synspilus)

    I haven't posted in quite some time, so hello again fellow MFKers! I've finally thinned down my synspila growouts down to this guy right here. I had a healthy batch of red head fry growing out for quite some time, but as they got bigger I thinned them down to keep up with the tank load. I had...
  10. M

    How to breeding Vieja Synspilum?

    Hi guys how to breeding vieja synspilum? what i need? what i do? in aquarium, please tell me best temp & ph for spawning i have a male & female synspilum Thanks
  11. Guenivere

    Vieja Regani Pair

    Wow, I can't believe I can finally legitimately post here - I've been creeping this site for YEARS waiting to get a large tank - we just bought a house in the beginning of the year and I am the proud owner of a fully cycled 135 gallon (I have never loved my boyfriend more than when the words "go...

    Need Help Quick

    Hey guys. I think I ran into a problem that most of us have went through, which is , I don't want to say impulsive, but more like "unprepared" purchases. I really wanted a Vieja Argentea for so long, then I find one, at a good size, good health, and for only 8KWD(=~25$) , and guess what...
  13. baxtor_lex

    New Hybrid Midas/Devil X Vieja

    Hi guys! Iv been out of the hobby now for quite some time but decided to snag myself a 5 foot tag, so when I went to get some fish, (Iv generally had cichlids or flowerhorns in the past) I saw a tank full of what I believe to be Red Devil X Synspilum. I think that the breeder perhaps tried...
  14. Y

    Vieja/Paratheraps ID?

    Hi, Got out of Africans into CA/SA cichlids . Bought this 7" vieja - the picture isnt great . I am thinking Zonatus? Any idea? I can try shooting more pics. Thanks, jim
  15. cichlidsickness

    Synspilum Growouts

    I got this batch of fry from a friend of mine. I've been growing them out since mid September of 2015. Right now, the biggest ones in the bunch are 3 inches and the smallest ones are 2 inches. They've got some red on their tail and dorsal fins with a blueish sheen to their body. I'm hoping...
  16. E

    South American Cichlids Brooklyn

    I am getting rid of my tanks and the fish need to go first no matter what. Here's what I have: Midas Parrotfish Flowerhorn Vieja Catfish None are babies, they are medium sized fish, not small. Give me an offer. You don't have to buy all of course.
  17. C

    Adding Smaller Cichlids with Larger

    Hi all! I have a black belt cichlid that needs to be moved out of its grow out tank since it is beginning to show aggression to others. This fish is 4 to 5 inches. At what size can I add this fish into a 300 gallon with much larger 9 to 10 inch cichlids (Jag, Bifa and Mayan)?
  18. E

    Identify this Cichlid

    Hello everyone. My tank mates and I have a little quarrel about true species of this fish.. some say this, others that .. Can You be the judge?! What type of Vieja are these: