water change

  1. Aqua Nut

    Ultimate Guide To Water Changes | How Much Water Should I Change In My Aquarium | Managing Nitrates

    The Ultimate Guide To Water Changes | Water change myths | How Much Water Should I Change In My Aquarium? | Managing Nitrates - Dealing with High Nitrates | How often should I change my aquarium water? Why are water changes important? What are the long term effects of high nitrate...
  2. I

    Ammonia Help!

    So, yesterday I did my usual 50% water change on my 120. About 30 mins later I noticed a few of my smaller fish dead and a few of my bigger fish really struggling. I tested the water and had 3ppm ammonia, zero nitrite and around 10 ppm nitrate. I was totally confused, my tanks are all cycled and...
  3. HardBodyBullies1

    Water Change

    Hows it going MFK? Wanted to get suggestions/opinions on how often you do water changes and what chemicals do you use? I have a few flowerhorn in a tank and they are pretty messy. Did my first water change on them and the water is still kind of cloudy. I feed twice a day about 15 pellets each, 3...
  4. R

    Reverse osmosis and 3 channel doser

    Ok my buddy is getting rid of a lot of fish equipment and he is willing to cut me a deal on his ro unit and 3 channel doser as well. As i am just getting into the larger tanks and attempting to step out of the complete amateur department, would these be worth it to have for my Freshwater tank...
  5. N

    Terrible Water in Phoenix

    Hey everyone. I'm wanting to know what you guys are doing when changing large volumes of water when the water from the tap is very bad like it is in Phoenix. What I've been doing is filling a 55 gallon plastic trash can, treating the water and then transferring the water to the tank after...
  6. Truetommy

    Cloudy Water Help

    I just finally filled up my new 100 gallon tank about a week ago, about two days ago i took the cycled filters off my 55 as well as a secondary filter and put them on the 100, i also transfered the fish from the 55 up inyo the hundred gallon. For the first few days everything seemed fine, and...
  7. C

    Possible Anchor Worm Infestation

    Hi, this is my first post in this website, so hello guys :). So, two days ago I bought a black oranda goldfish. When I got him I noticed there was a dangly piece of scale on his side, but didn't think much of it. The following day I noticed that a second one had appeared on his other side. So...