wolf fish

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
  1. Ash_water

    Wolf Fish Info

    Hi Guyz. This is my Wolf. This is a Malabaricus right? Also whats the average size for Malabaricus in Aquariums? Whats the largest size Malabaricus you have seen in an Aquarium? Also are there different types of Malabaricuz Wolf fish? Thank you for the info ??
  2. N

    For Sale PNG Black Bass and Aimara

    Have a 14” PNG Black bass and 14” Hoplias Aimara living together. Both eating massivore. Can ship Delta Air Cargo or drive to you in SoCal. Bass: 700 Aimara: 550 Text me 310-801-3108 for pics Thanks! - Nick
  3. E

    Wolf fish compatability

    Picked up a 265g the other day, 7'x2'x2', going to be housing some bichirs, a florida gar, a lima shovelnose, a female parachromis motaguense, and possibly a spiny eel, something like a dayi. Could a red wolf fit into this mix? Red wolf would end up being the smallest fish in the tank, and most...
  4. CCSmith891

    FS: Hoplias Curupira 12-14"

    Looking to find a new home for my hoplias Curupira that I purchased from Jeff Rapps. It is now around 12-14". I am asking for $300, but I will entertain other offers. I will post pictures later. Pickup only: located in Shreveport, LA
  5. A

    Best Substrate Color to bring out color contrast in Curupira

    What substrate color best brings out the color contrast (light grey-white top -> middle lateral black bar -> dark bottom color) of the black wolf fish (curupira)? I think a black substrate makes the whole fish black which is what I'm trying to avoid.
  6. L

    Tank mates for an African lung fish and Florida gar

    I was wondering if a red fin wolf fish would be ok as an addition to my tank, my lungfish is roughly 12 inches and the gar is 10 inches, if this is not a great idea is there any other suggestion you guys have for me I would like a fish that eats live minnows or meaty food off the bottom like the...
  7. Audeze

    Help My Wolf Fish Wont Eat for 3 weeks now

    Help..i just bought my wolf fish (hoplias Mala) 3 weeks ago about 14cm. since I bought, my wolf fish wont eat I tried Shrimp, Gold Fish, Crayfish, Pinkie, and bloodworm also dim the light still wont work. my temp is 27 Celcius..PH 7... my tank 60cm (Long) x 33cm (Width) x 50cm (tall) and water...
  8. 1

    Red wolf fish 7-8 inch

    Have a red wolf fish in a 90g with a 20g gallon sump fluval 404 and hang on filter,with a 9 inch odoe pike and 9 inch Florida Gar which are very friendly and have never seen any of them show any aggression to each other only toward their food worms ,mealies, mollies, platies. I have a clay...
  9. RocketGarStar

    Michigan WolfFish Sellers

    Is there anywhere in MI where I can get a nice, baby WolfFish? Preferably the red kind, those look very pretty and cute. I'm planning to plop one (or 2) in my 75. Where can I get one, and do they get along with others of the same species? Thanks!
  10. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Let's see your monster fish HERE ARE MINE

    Let's have a look I'll start it off srry for the crappie pics
  11. TheMoneyTank(TMT)

    Tankmate suggestions 300gallon?

    I have a 250 gallon with the following X2 ocelarris peacock bass 3inch X1 mala wolffish 4 inch X1 marbled sleeper goby 4 inch X1 indo tigerfish 2 inch X1 tyre track eel 6 inch Wondering what other oddballs I can add after something in the upper levels and middle levels or something badass
  12. N

    Where to get wolf fish?

    I can't find any right now. Looking for aimara or curupira preferably 6-8". Text me at 310-801-3108 if you know a place. Thanks - Nick
  13. T

    Black Wolfish for sale?

    I'm looking to buy a black wolf fish in California.. so if anyone is selling one or knows where I can get one in California please let me know. Thank you very much!
  14. Bryan Crownover

    Giant SA tank ideas?

    I have a Silver Arowana that's in the growing stages at about 5 inches in a 125 that will be moving to a 350 sometime this summer or fall. I want to put him in a giant tank of about 1200 gallons, possibly a bit more that would be L shaped. I want to house him with other SA species though. My...
  15. brianomalley

    Vids of my red wolf fish at 10" now

  16. B

    Tank stocking

    So my question is if have 1 125 gallon W/ common wolf fish 6 inch Endelzi bichir 6 inch Cuban cichlid 10 inch Jaguar cichlid 8 inch The Cuban and jaguar are a mateing pair I also have a 150 gallon W/red wolf 6 inch Fire eel Black diamond cichlid 4 inch...
  17. xDestro

    55 stocking

    I'm coming up on being able to stock my 55 and I'm stuck between a bad ass fish or a lot of community fish. My original idea was: • 1 gold gourami • 3 rose line sharks • 1 hoplo catfish • 1 pleco • 1 batia loach • 1 rainbow shark And possibly a few other species such as a cray fish or African...
  18. Ichthyophobic

    Red Fin Wolf Fish in 44 gal. Pentagon Tank?

    So, I have an empty 44 gallon pentagon corner tank and I have been itching to get a Red Fin Wolf Fish (erythrinus erythrinus). Dimensions are in the picture. I see that many people keep this species in a 40 breeder so I was wondering if my corner would be adequate for life, if not I can always...
  19. O

    FS 8-9" HOPLIAS AIMARA $450 Northern Virginia Area

    Pics coming soon
  20. B

    Rainbow wolf fish tankmates

    Im thinking of adding a rainbow wolf fish to my tank he would be just a little bit smaller than other fish his tankmates will consist of Oscar Green terror Jaguar Salvini Jack dempsey 2 small plecos Any concerns ? Any help would be appreciated