albirdy;1974996; said:get a couple thousand tetras.
there are guys who have huge breeding colonies filling 75gallon tanks! and they started out with only like 20-30 and have bred them for so longFSM;1981799;1981799 said:If i had a ton of money I would do that. 5000 neons would be pretty awesome.
no i dont think your light headed just crazy! hahaMoontanman;1982110;1982110 said:If I had a tank that large I would fill it with huge schools so tiny fish like Cardinals, debawi catfish, hatchet fish, glow lights, upside down cats, glass cats, rummynose..... Whoa, i think I'm getting light headed!
can you get me a job where you work? lol.jamey0615;1656755; said:I know this doesn't have anything to do with fish but I had to show it anyway. I just picked this baby up last week! Probably why I haven't been getting much done! LOL
Mansfield, just south of Arlington. You are more than welcome to stop by anytime, just pm me and i'll give you my number.fishyjoe26;1987043;1987043 said:jamey0615 where in texas is the tank if it's in the dfw area i would love to see it.