1100 set up

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Next step was to make room for this tank. I needed to move the 360. (its for sale). I moved all the fish into the 450 in the back of the room. This little guy is a 20 year old Synodontis angelicus. It even looks old in this pic!




I love metal stands and that 450 in the back is on a particle board stand that's ready to break. I had a new stand built for the 450 made similar to the 360 MFK stand. All metal, very strong and water resistant! The problem is I need to set up the 1100 first then move the fish to the 1100 then replace the stand under the 450. Also I want to enclose the 1100 into its own room. Make it a "show tank". The 450 will be a grow out tank lol in the back of the new room. Pic of just the 450. the 1100 will go right in front of it and there will be a door on the left side of the 450 to go in and out of the room. The second pic you can see the new 450 metal stand. That stand needs to in-between the 450 and the 1100 or I wont be able to get it in there later because the door will be to small. Hopefully I have some pictures to show this issue.


At the same time I'm remodeling my kitchen. This pic is the new door getting framed into the kitchen. So this picture is on the other side of the 450. This remodel is the reason it took me so long to set up this tank. Logistics and money mainly. It made sense to do both these jobs at the same time.

Kitchen door.JPG
I moved the 1100 to its final location. I also moved the metal stand and I have a large sump back there too. I needed all that behind the 1100 or I wouldn't be able to get it there later. It was very tight between the two tanks for a while.


Plumbing: I bought this large food crate and put a bulkhead in the bottom and plumbed to my existing drain that goes out to my front yard. Here in the Phoenix area water is expensive. So I water my fish and my fish tanks overflow to my yard and water my palm trees. Not surprisingly the largest palm trees in my neighborhood....


This tank has two very large overflows. Each one has 3 two inch drains and 2 one inch supplies. 5 total openings! On each overflow!!! I capped one of the 1 inch lines and used the other 4 as drains. The last pic is the drain lines going to the sump. This is temporary, the sump is moving under the 450 after I replace the 450s stand with the new metal one. I love large sumps and this one will work for both the 450 and the 1100. Super easy maintenance also. I have learned a lot of lessons in this hobby and I'm putting them all in use for this build. Easy simple maintenance is my key for enjoying this hobby. KISS

