12 Volt Man's Aqueon 150 Gallon Startup Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Looking nice, I picked up a flagtail for my tank at the weekend aswell. Weird thing is that he broke out in ich too, so currently treating the tank.
12 Volt Man;4505347; said:
picked up a flagtail for the 65g on sunday.

thank god for the hospital tank as it has broken out in ich today.

time to treat..

Wanna pick one up and ship it to me??? I can't find flagtails anywhere locally! I have been looking for months! My fish selection is extremely limited around here!
08trdoffroad;4514047; said:
Wanna pick one up and ship it to me??? I can't find flagtails anywhere locally! I have been looking for months! My fish selection is extremely limited around here!

Go on google and search. There are tones of websites that will deliver fish to your door, it's so easy.
08trdoffroad;4514047; said:
Wanna pick one up and ship it to me??? I can't find flagtails anywhere locally! I have been looking for months! My fish selection is extremely limited around here!
I'm from the UK so can't send them to the USA I'm afraid. The flagtails seem to be quite hard to get here in the UK aswell. I had to travel quite far to pickup my flagtail, and the shop only had 2 left.
Just realised you were reply to 12 Volt Man, sorry. I can't find a way to delete or edit that last post.
okay, so i tried reading this entire thread at one sitting. But because of length had to skip ahead. So i want to fill in the blanks.

So, you started with lemon tinfoil barbs and SDs.
you then got clown loaches. but they got beat up so you took them back to lfs.
eventually you took back the sd's cuz they got beat up too.

then somewhere along the way you took back the lemons too and got some smaller tinfiol barbs with orange and black.

skipping ahead...
then you ended up going back to lemon barbs and they have grown large.

Or are the lemon fin tinfoil barbs the same ones you had from the begging???

I have lemon barbs and everything I read from your observations are correct. They hog the food, they grow extremelly fast. I am debatting if i need to rehome them or do something. because Oscars are my primary fish in my 140 gallon.

Here are 2 videos from about 4 and 7 weeks ago of my barbs. They are a little bigger now:
nice lemonfins!

basically the tank history goes like this:

1. started off the lemonfins and redhooks for about 6 months. grew nice but they were nipping one another and were all chewed up.

2. sold them all and got some redtinfoils that ended up having internal infections and I had to put them down (actually two batches that were apparently from the same supplier)

3. got new lemonfins and redhooks (and two red tinfoils) but had to sell redhooks because they were being out competed for food. the lemon fins and the redtinfoils remain.

I am actually going to try and isolate one of my redtinfoils because he is actually a very fussy eater and is lagging way behind in growth and its only going to get worse. the other fish are large enough now that I am feeding less and less small foods (the only stuff he will eat) and more of the larger pellets etc.

I am going to put the fussy tinfoil in another tank and try and powerfeed it and get it to accept foods better.

tonight I am putting my new flagtail (recovered from a bad case of ich in the hospital tank) in my 65g planted.