Hello Everybody,
I'm looking for advice on some stocking ideas for my 125 gallon tank. The only fish I currently have that will for sure be going in this tank is a Sailfin Pleco who's just shy of 12" currently. The filtration I'm planning is two fx6 filters and loads of plants growing out of the top of the tank including monstera and pothos (if anybody has other fun ideas for plants to grow out of the top of the tank with only the roots submerged, I'm open to suggestions). I want a centerpiece fish with tons of personality (Likely a cichlid; I'm thinking Tiger Oscar) and some sort of schooling/shoaling fish. Ideas for this include silver dollars, clown loaches, roseline sharks, or giant danios. I like the silver dollars look, but the ones I've seen lack the high activity I'm looking for. Roselines would be an expensive snack. Clown loaches seem to have a good activity level when kept in larger groups, but sound like they take quite a bit of time for them to reach a size to not be a cichlid snack. The giant danios I've seen are super active but I'm worried they'll eventually also become cichlid snacks.
Other tank mates I've considered are blue acara, geophagus tapajos, geophagus brasiliensus, convict cichlid, tire traack eel, peacock eel, uaru, severum, redfin tiger loach, striped raphael catfish, black ghostknife, and senegal bichir.
Thanks for reading!
I'm looking for advice on some stocking ideas for my 125 gallon tank. The only fish I currently have that will for sure be going in this tank is a Sailfin Pleco who's just shy of 12" currently. The filtration I'm planning is two fx6 filters and loads of plants growing out of the top of the tank including monstera and pothos (if anybody has other fun ideas for plants to grow out of the top of the tank with only the roots submerged, I'm open to suggestions). I want a centerpiece fish with tons of personality (Likely a cichlid; I'm thinking Tiger Oscar) and some sort of schooling/shoaling fish. Ideas for this include silver dollars, clown loaches, roseline sharks, or giant danios. I like the silver dollars look, but the ones I've seen lack the high activity I'm looking for. Roselines would be an expensive snack. Clown loaches seem to have a good activity level when kept in larger groups, but sound like they take quite a bit of time for them to reach a size to not be a cichlid snack. The giant danios I've seen are super active but I'm worried they'll eventually also become cichlid snacks.
Other tank mates I've considered are blue acara, geophagus tapajos, geophagus brasiliensus, convict cichlid, tire traack eel, peacock eel, uaru, severum, redfin tiger loach, striped raphael catfish, black ghostknife, and senegal bichir.
Thanks for reading!