125. What am I doing with it

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

which setup am I going with?

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Almost got lucky... found a guy selling a 125 with a stand for $350, asked if he'd go lower if I didn't buy the stand, and he declined the sale. And with that goes the only one selling a 125 for under $550 within 2 hours of me

That’s not gone! Have a buddy call the seller and offer full price if you want it. No need to give up ifit’s What you want. For that matter send him an email from another account or turn off your caller ID and ring him back w/ a full price offer. Hemay have been offended by your offer it he still wants your money.
Yes! Keep at the craigslist and fb marketplace search. You may be able to pick up 2x 125g tanks for less than the one new setup will cost you. I would say the standard 125g is the most common lowballed aquarium i see on local craigslist in my area. Often $150-300 for the whole setup. And often they are only a few years used.
I would say the standard 125g is the most common lowballed aquarium i see on local craigslist in my area. Often $150-300 for the whole setup. And often they are only a few years used.

That's a fact. I commonly pay $1/gallon for tanks (alone) up to about 120g and sometimes as big as 180g. If there's a stand, lid and light I usually pick them up for $2/gallon or thereabouts and I don't need to be anything other than patient. All the other stuff like whatever filter is being sold, substrate, plastic plants and the like I probably don't want anyway so I can't recall having paid more than $2/g for a long time. The exception to that is bigger tanks. If it's bigger than a 180 costs can jump quick.

It's also true that my tanks may appear to some to be a bit of a hodgepodge as none of them are matching. My fish don't have a preference as long as I keep 'em clean and wet.
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