• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
6.8 is on the low side, so as above said I would go with South American fish.

Now South American fish are broken into two groups for the most part. Those from West of the Andes and those from east of the Andes.
The west ones are more closer to Centrals in water peramaters needs. Ones from the east are the ones that thrive in the low PH soft water.
Ones to look at Sevrums, Oscar, Chocolat, Geos, true parrot cichlid.

Definitely can make a nice setup with these choices.
1) Get 6 to 8 baby Sevrums. In time you should get a pair. Return the rest to the store or sell etc. For the bottom you can get Cory cats or Pictus cats. Get a nice big school of tall bodies tetras as dithers. The Cories/Pictus and tetras will provide a lot of activity, the pair of Sevrums will eventually breed so you will be able to enjoy that with out worrying about fry removal. The tetras and Cories/Pictus should eliminate them.

2) A single Oscar.

3) A group of Geos. Geos are bottom fish and need a fine sand bottom as they are sand sifters. Get some tetras as dithers. With this setup and choice 1 you could add a pink tailed Chalceus as a top of the water column fish. With these it's either a single or a big group. Too few and they think it's a episode of Highlander and there can only be one. But in a group they are more natural. They are in the Tetras family but look and act more like a barracuda.
Is a 150 sufficient for like 2 Oscar's a texas or 2 and a vieja or two?
Besides texas and vieja needing hard water the simple answer is no. A single oscar is about it. If you want more look into Severums and maybe add a Chocolate cichlid (gentle giant) and some big tetra's.
Besides texas and vieja needing hard water the simple answer is no. A single oscar is about it. If you want more look into Severums and maybe add a Chocolate cichlid (gentle giant) and some big tetra's.
Okay the 2 severums and chocolate, with geos, and some silver dollars would be nice
I've definitely considered all of the above and a fahaka definitely has my attention would be awesome but would the 18inch width be enough for it? Same thing with parachromis the only ones I can seem to find are dovii and mangunuese

You may eventually want a larger tank for the puffer, would last a good while in a 150
The parachromis I wouldn't put in a 150 would be Dovii and Jaguar, would be better in 180+.

Which sounds more interesting to you... 1, maybe two, bigger fish... or a group of medium fish?
Each approach has pros and cons.

I love a tank decorated to look very natural, with a variety of fish. As mentioned Geos are great. They generally do well with a group of their own kind and are very interesting as they evolve as a colony. Then there are a list of other smaller, moderately aggressive Cichlids like Blue Acara, Threadfin Acara, several other Acaras... Festivum, Keyhole... You might be able to get away with a Severum or Firemouth (though Firemouth is CA) if you are able to land a semi docile female...

Or you could go one step smaller and do even more Dwarf Cichlids. I once kept a Colony of Apisto Cacatuoides in a 6' tank. At first I thought the space would be under utilized but it ended up being an all time favorite that I am in the process of replicating. It was truly impressive to watch the colony evolve and the tank being broken into territories and sub territories as the males evolved.

Or you could go the other way.
A severum or a pair. Firemouth or pair. there are a few species you could do a docile female if you can locate one, such as Convict, Dempsey. Oscar maybe... certainly not all these fish, but 3 or 5 from this list...

Or one, maybe a pair, big fish. Amphilophus or Parachromis are awesome "Wet Pets".

You certainly do have a lot of options.

From what I understand, your water is a little harder than SA water, but not quite as hard as CA water... so you could likely do wither one without issue.

Which sounds more interesting to you... 1, maybe two, bigger fish... or a group of medium fish?
Each approach has pros and cons.

I love a tank decorated to look very natural, with a variety of fish. As mentioned Geos are great. They generally do well with a group of their own kind and are very interesting as they evolve as a colony. Then there are a list of other smaller, moderately aggressive Cichlids like Blue Acara, Threadfin Acara, several other Acaras... Festivum, Keyhole... You might be able to get away with a Severum or Firemouth (though Firemouth is CA) if you are able to land a semi docile female...

Or you could go one step smaller and do even more Dwarf Cichlids. I once kept a Colony of Apisto Cacatuoides in a 6' tank. At first I thought the space would be under utilized but it ended up being an all time favorite that I am in the process of replicating. It was truly impressive to watch the colony evolve and the tank being broken into territories and sub territories as the males evolved.

Or you could go the other way.
A severum or a pair. Firemouth or pair. there are a few species you could do a docile female if you can locate one, such as Convict, Dempsey. Oscar maybe... certainly not all these fish, but 3 or 5 from this list...

Or one, maybe a pair, big fish. Amphilophus or Parachromis are awesome "Wet Pets".

You certainly do have a lot of options.

From what I understand, your water is a little harder than SA water, but not quite as hard as CA water... so you could likely do wither one without issue.
+1 for the cacatoo's. Before I had a 8ft tank they been my favorite cichlid to keep. Get 1 male with 3/4 females if you can and watch the drama unfold. You'll never need a tv again. Make sure to break the tank up with enough sightbreaks and caves, these guys are not less feisty than many bigger cichlids we keep.
Amatitlania and cryptoheros are my favorite genus of fish as you get all the color, personality, and pair bonding with parental care just like the bigger boys without the homicidal characteristics. So with a 150g you’d have quite a few options.