Routed the rest of the front last night, and puttied what needed puttied on the front. Need to get some more putty for the rest of the outside and inside. Will be sanding a whole bunch today, and hopefully staining tomorrow. Will also try to do some of the fiberglass on the inside today when i'm taking breaks from sanding! I'll try to have some pics later today or tomorrow later in the day. Don't hold your breath, but be prepared for a lot of pics when I'm done with what I'm doing with my time off. Still have other errands to run also though lol. Life's a "B"! On the other hand today is my birthday. lol. On saturday I helped throw out plastic easter eggs, about 50,000 or so. Was I think the largest easter egg hunt in Montana. We had 3000 people show. Was held at a friend's ranch.
Framework for the windows has been cut and will be put in today. I've bought extra resin so that I can do hopefully all the seems and corners. I'll do a rundown of all the parts and costs when it's all said and done. It is still under $3000 right now. I need to get the sealant for the inside of the tank, and the urathane for the outside still. Need to get the rest of the plumbing. Plumbing is not going to be too expensive though. They do have 4"x10' pipes at homedepot for $15 I believe. I've also found 4" closet flanges finally. So I should be in good shape to finish this relatively fast compared to what I've been doing. Still might take another month to two months, just from having to save up money.