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180 gallon stocking ideas


MFK Member
Looking to set up either a CA or SA community tank and looking for stocking ideas. Another consideration is that I live in SW FL & house temps stay 73 - 76 degrees year round, with brief dips to 70 in the winter. And I could maintain house at 72 minimum during those brief dips if I had to. Would like to eliminate heaters from the equation. What would you guys & gals do?
Temps should be fine for pretty much any CA/SA if they don't get below 70.
Plenty of directions you could go. I would recommend picking SA or CA and sticking with it. What is your water like? In general, If your tap is hard, may be better off with CA, and if soft, SA.
Will give a couple examples of possible stock lists.
CA- Group of thoricthys species would pair well with a group of astatheros/cribroheros species. For example, 8-10 T. passionis with 4-5 Robertsoni. Add some swordtails or mollys and it's a nice display. Sandy bottom would be a must.
Another option, could do some convict-types instead of the thoricthys (Myrnae, cutteri, etc) and also a pair of Nicaraguense or similar species (10"ish, not too mean)

SA- Could do a group of geophagus such as Tapajos redhead, with school of tetras and some catfish. Nice "community" feel.
Alternatively, a group of Acaras, a crenicichla (less nasty varieties, sveni would be good), some plecos.

These are just some examples off top of my head, 180 is a good size and there are lots of species out there that would work in one way or another. Depends what you want. I'd just spend some time looking through threads of people's tanks here and on youtube, find some that you really like, and go for something similar.
OK. Our water seems to do well for SA Cichlids (pH 6.6-6.7, kH 3 degrees, gH 9 degrees).
Yeah sorry that was too generic of a question. Some of the species "we" would like to work with are:
Geophagus winemilleri or Geo. sveni
Guinacara geayi (but I don't have a good source for these}
Gymnogeophagus gymnogenesis
Tank will be filtered by sump (thinking 40 gal breeder tank for sump build) and have Pothos Plant above tank with roots in water. Pool Filter Sand Substrate. Driftwood mostly and some rockwork, no plants actually in tank.
If needed I could put heater in sump.
I consider 180gal tanks good medium sized tanks for medium sized cichlids, especially if you want a community cichlid tank. (its the size tanks I have, and when I observe them I find it hard to see them being adequate for large species in a community setting
If you want larger cichlids like Parachromis, large Vieja species, or Maskaheros I consider its only large enough for a pair or trio, not a mixed community.
If you want Cichla, its really only a grow out tank.
Gourami Swami's suggestions were right on the money.

When I set up my current 180, I started with about a dozen young Andinoacara coerleopunctatus @3 at the time, but the males max out at about 7"", it also held some tetras and a pleco, and for a while some goby's.
Within a year the alpha male Andinoacara had reduced the cichlid population by more than half. Killing all other males, and a few uncooperative females.
In that size tank he seemed satisfied sharing it with 3 females.
He never bothered any non-cichlids.
I have had success in similar sized tanks with Cribroheros, Gymnogeophagus, other geophagines, and similar sized species.
The larger species often become hyperdominent in that footprint, unless kept in mated/copasetic pairs.
A northern S American community.
The tank above was peaceful, until the Acarichthys hit maturity.
Below Uruguayan community that worked well, long term
Below Madagascan community, worked until the cichlids outgrew it (about 2 years0
Below Central American non-competitive species,, but in the end the bocourti needed about 300 gals to themselves.
OK. Our water seems to do well for SA Cichlids (pH 6.6-6.7, kH 3 degrees, gH 9 degrees).
Yeah sorry that was too generic of a question. Some of the species "we" would like to work with are:
Geophagus winemilleri or Geo. sveni
Guinacara geayi (but I don't have a good source for these}
Gymnogeophagus gymnogenesis
Tank will be filtered by sump (thinking 40 gal breeder tank for sump build) and have Pothos Plant above tank with roots in water. Pool Filter Sand Substrate. Driftwood mostly and some rockwork, no plants actually in tank.
If needed I could put heater in sump.
The only problem I see here, is that the more temperate Gymnogeophagus require a slight cool down, and in general different temps than the northern geophagines like Guianacara and winemilleri would not be comfortable with. The northern South Americans prefer consistent temps near 80" F, so a heater may be required, I would not keep them in the same unheated tank with Gymnos that is allowed to fluctuate.
To judge, consider the area where winemilleri and Guianacara are found is more that 2000 niles from where Gymnogeophagus are from.
Temp differences are quite drastic over 2000 miles (its farther than Toronto to Miami)
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The only problem I see here, is that the more temperate Gymnogeophagus require a slight cool down, and in general different temps than the northern geophagines like Guianacara and winemilleri would not be comfortable with. The northern South Americans prefer consistent temps near 80" F, so a heater may be required, I would not keep them in the same unheated tank with Gymnos that is allowed to fluctuate.
To judge, consider the area where winemilleri and Guianacara are found is more that 2000 niles from where Gymnogeophagus are from.
Temp differences are quite drastic over 2000 miles (its farther than Toronto to Miami)
Good point.
What species did you have in your Uruguayan community tank? I see the Gymnogeophagus gymnogenesis but am not familiar with the other 2.
A group of Geo winemilleri and Guianacara might look good.
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