Cant help with the supplier, but any moss attached correctly will eventually hold onto the surface you tie / glue them down to as long as its porous enough to grip... such as stones / wood / terra-cotta pots etc...
7x bags of ADA Amazonia light. Super cloudy and lots of wood fragment floating at the top. Will cap with pool sand then tomorrow red sand.
6x bags got me about 2” of coverage for reference on 2’x7’ tank
This is my similar size tank (a 180) that gets only natural light, uses beach sand as substrate, above morning sun, then a little indirect sun from the west in the afternoon. Some of the vallisneria is at least 24" tall, as are some of the Hydrilla.
Substrate complete! Ada Amazonia light, pool sand and finally red sand from a local source. In total it’s 5” thick, I’d have preferred 4” but whatever. The guinea pig convicts and water test seem stable so far. Next up lighting and driftwood/rock deco+glued on moss.
Found a 6’ Lifeguard Full Spectrum LED(9000k) for 180$. Does that make any sense as a primary with 4’ T5 as support?
A little update on the tank. Most plants aren’t in their permanent position but it’s a start. I just bought a variety of species to see what would grow and they all are. Excel every other day dosed for 160g and dry ferts. Settled on 4’ Finnex 24/7 LED and the two T-5 bulbs. Waiting on another Finnex bulb, some more plant and fish stock.