26" Mbu Puffer video...

DB junkie

Gold Tier VIP
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2007
How big is your Mbu, out of curiosity? What I found was that when he was younger, ours was not as bold about what he would and would not do. There is a huge difference between what a, say, 12" Mbu will try versus what a 20"+ Mbu will try. The issue is that big Mbu want to "sample" everything in their environment and they do this, of course, by biting it. Could be an eye, could be a tail, could be anything. Mine has bitten through thermometers, air lines, and anything else that sparks his curiosity.

I would just hate to see a nice ray get it's eye eaten out by a puffer when it could have been avoided. Of course, there are no guarantees about any of this but search the forums for "Mbu and ray" and you will find some interesting stories.
He's just a lil guy yet. Maybe 8-9". Been with rays its entire life.

I've always heard horror stories, but no real proof of any of them, unless it's a Fahaka.

Maybe it's just a matter of time before they no longer respect each other and issues arise, but they've been fine together for a long time, but maybe once it gets bigger there will be issues. :(


MFK Member
Aug 21, 2011
Tank and fish look great. Is he 26 inches from head to tail, or without the tail included. Just wondering. Thx.