300 gal advice

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
. These guys are alot smaller than I anticipated. Gonna keep them in a floating plant basket till figure out how to make my over flows safe for them till they grow a bit. They ate mysis shrimp almost right out of the bag. My daughter counted 22.

They grow moderately fast. I wouldn't keep them in the basket for too long because they already have sharp teeth and will start biting each other. Personally raised Red belly at that size. You could place one in the aquarium and see if the current will affect the little Piranha.
Never had a problem keeping red bellied piranha with tank mates. Generally found they attack each other rather than tank mates (the odd missing fin bits on piranha) My 5 started at 1.5” in a 6x2x2 with twenty jewel Cichlid fry, two small gibbiceps plec and five Chinese algae eaters. Grew to 10” before I moved them on with no losses in any fish. Chinese algae eaters were the real aggressors.
My first attempt years ago was with convict cichlids but the convicts killed my group of 4” piranhas.
looking good ! congrats!

i’m not sure what your set is like but - pondguy sells sheets of very Porous plastic/foam block that could be placed in the overflow or you could put a round sponge before the pipe leading to your sump.
