300 gallon poly tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I kind of got off easy. But what a nightare. That drip system is a must
I got some more bits and pieces for my drip system but next is going to be the drain. I'm debating the sump. It bows under the water weight so it's kinda hard to set up the drains 1 at the normal level the other above to safe guard from overflows. I'll either have to reinforce the sides so it doesn't bow or was thinking of getting a 75g and drilling 2 hole on the end. The drip emitter will drip upto 6gph and can go down to .75gph. It's kinda adjustable in .75gph increments.
How many gallons per day do you plan to drip ?
I was going to start with 1 or 2 emitters. So 18 or 36 gpd. If that's not enough I'll go three but that's 54gpd at 24 hrs I could adjust it more by installing a timer to shut of the water flow.
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I was going to start with 1 or 2 emitters. So 18 or 36 gpd. If that's not enough I'll go three but that's 54gpd at 24 hrs I could adjust it more by installing a timer to shut of the water flow.
Does each emitter need a seperate hole drilled in the sump ?
Took a vid of the teug, man its turning into a really nice looking poly.

So quick update. Ornate has been rehomesd the little sen is also on his way out too. 150 gal is gone.

Last week i flooded a decent portion of my basement. I was able to save the carpet but had tp have the padding replaced. I fell asleep with the baby while filling the 75 gal. To make matters worse when i woke up i totally forgot about the tank and went to pick my son up from school...ouch !!! Luckily im still married
Very nice polys bro
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Nice to see the polys are still doing well Jaws keep up the good work and hopefully by summer I'll have something up and going again. Unfortunately got in too deep over my head last time and wasn't giving the tank the attention it deserved. however starting this new job working only 3-4 days a week and making pretty good money ill be able to get back in the game.

Probably going to go with a congicus as the main poly with a few other larger fish instead of trying to do 15 different types of fish at once.