300 gallon poly tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
...kinda gives you a newfound respect for those 24-30” bichers you see floating around. I bet some of those fish are genuinely ancient. I remember seeing a 30”+ ansorgii a few years back. The owner got it when it was big and had it for 6-7 years at least.

I think patience and persistence is key here. Keep feeding, keep doing water changes, and keep improving. Monster bichers don’t happen overnight.
...kinda gives you a newfound respect for those 24-30” bichers you see floating around. I bet some of those fish are genuinely ancient. I remember seeing a 30”+ ansorgii a few years back. The owner got it when it was big and had it for 6-7 years at least.

I think patience and persistence is key here. Keep feeding, keep doing water changes, and keep improving. Monster bichers don’t happen overnight.

Thx brother

It as actually a relief to hear that other guys are going through the same thing.
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Would also think that in the wild they really get to swim and 'stretch their legs' so to speak. In our tanks, its mostly a slow sedentary lifestyle with exercise being confined to the size of the tank...perhaps that impacts on growth as well.
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The growth or lack there of is common. Man bichir get stuck at that 16 to 18 stage a big reason i order 20 and up. Also I think you really if you want growth need to really up your feeding. I feed 2 3 days on a day off then 2 3 days on a day off. Also not sire what you feed but for me it's massivore, tilapia, and freshwater smelt. I do stay on top of water changes 2 to 3 times a week as well 65% . I'm sure if you up the feeding you will get the growth you want out of them.
I think it has to do with our water, big wild bichir have a water source that has alot of nutrient and minerals while our tap or well water dont. In the wild they get clean water 24/7 and water carries mineral from soil/dirt, plant, rocks ect.
I remember Burbotman Burbotman mentioned that his water from natural well, his can make a 5” poly into a 22” beast in one year but of course feeding is another thing.
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Would also think that in the wild they really get to swim and 'stretch their legs' so to speak. In our tanks, its mostly a slow sedentary lifestyle with exercise being confined to the size of the tank...perhaps that impacts on growth as well.

Just to play devil’s advocate, take a look at the discus hobby. The secret to monster adult discus is low flow, coupled with elevated o2. The logic here is fish dedicate energy to growth rather than muscle tone to combat the rapid flow.
I'll feed a little more but I don't like overfeeding adult fish. I was never into feeding adults even once a day. But we'll see how it goes. I'd like some growth but not a major concern...just a minor annoyance lol

What we put in (food) we have to take out (wc) still not 100% from the surgery so wcs are still a pain
I'll feed a little more but I don't like overfeeding adult fish. I was never into feeding adults even once a day. But we'll see how it goes. I'd like some growth but not a major concern...just a minor annoyance lol

What we put in (food) we have to take out (wc) still not 100% from the surgery so wcs are still a pain
Just take your time, recover first, fish can grow later;)
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Imho you should just continue what your doing. Clean water and enough feeding to keep them at the right weight. Size will come.

I think shoveling food at every opportunity is counterproductive. Patience grasshopper patience.

A continuous drip system would be the best way to make your fish grow fast if you don't have one already
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Just take your time, recover first, fish can grow later;)

Oohh soo right. I dont know what i did but i can barely lift my right arm.

A continuous drip system would be the best way to make your fish grow fast if you don't have one already

Was about to but the wife didnt want me to under take any fish projects so close to my suegery date.

Its in the plans. Yeah i couldnt over feed if i wanted. I'll increase a little and see how it impacts water quality vs wc