300 gallon poly tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Happy i held on to the teug it's turning out to be one of the bbst looking polys in my group. 20180508_220124.jpg 20180508_220057.jpg 20180508_192700.jpg20180508_192442.jpg 20180508_191840.jpg 20180508_190833.jpg 20180508_190751.jpg

Just did a wtf outloud. Threw in a large piece of tilapia, PBB swam up and snatched it.... Two fat little jags chased and harrassed the pbb for the tilapia. Looked hysterical
Pbb looks nice when it's not all washed out. Poor thing gets pushed around by the little fat jags which is a good thing none of that pbb aggression with her
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