300 gallon poly tank


MFK Member
Jun 4, 2016
So happy for you and your fish!

Is it official - are you adding an arowana? Anything else?

Also, are you keeping the other tank running and moving the hets in there or keeping them in the 75? And if you're moving them are you keeping the 75 running?



Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
I must say jaws. Spectacular job! Everything was planned out and perfectly executed. Set up is so clean looking. Believe I can probably drink the water, lol. But ya. It's so gargantuan. Livestock currently looks kinda empty :)
Thx man appreciate it

Beautiful stock, aquarium and aquascape J jaws7777 .
Thx tlinsdey
So happy for you and your fish!

Is it official - are you adding an arowana? Anything else?

Also, are you keeping the other tank running and moving the hets in there or keeping them in the 75? And if you're moving them are you keeping the 75 running?

No.75 was torn down and chewy, aequidens metea, and the 10 little hets are in the 150. I rescaped it with dw that was collecting dust and made it a little more small cichlid friendly. 2 taks is it for me
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Maybe add 1 more peaceful med sized cichlid.

Im still on the fence with the aro guys. I really am enjoying the openness to the big tank. We'll see if i can convince them (family) to go with something smaller


Probation Member
Probation Member
Mar 1, 2014
White house 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington
Some nice looking options in that family; sajica, cutteri, nanoluteus...

Interested to see what you end up with.
I kind of want to get something that I don't have to order through the mail there's one good lfs about an hour from me
What a nice pair of tanks you have going on now! The 150 looks great. What does Chewy think of her new buddies?
she's great man at first there was some Gill flaring but now she's totally cool the man. The metae actually follows her around like a puppy dog