300 gallon poly tank

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I gotta admit i missed the fish a little while i was away.

Well maybe more than a little haha
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Now i remeber it ship itself to my tank then i shipped it back, check the tank again,:D
It's been some hard times for poly sleepovers.

Your the type that shows up to the party as everyone has passed out or left......:cool:

Wow those guys.......smh :eek:
Nah. I'm pretty mild actually. Just like a lot of fun quotes and being ridiculous/quirky. If I go, I might pass out on the floor, not from being drunk, but being tired and it's past 12. lol.
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love the picture of that Teug. Does it have a name yet?

The polys missed you too......teug. :)

I dont know i have to ask
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Hahah ok will run it by the little ones